Arabic New Testament 1867 Van Dyck Original_Vol 2

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This is the Arabic New Testament, in Arabic Script. This is the original version by Cornelius Van Dyck (Van Dyke) translated from the Koine Greek T.R. It is different from the version that appear after 1910 that are based on the Newly invented collation of BFBS (based on W&H 1881 text). Feel Free to copy, download, print, etc. كلام الله ، ونهاية مرات ، نهاية الايام جاكوبس اضطرابات في العربية ، والعربية الانجيل (الفارسية قد يكون هنا (في الحجية العهد الجديد ، إنجيل يسوع المسيح ،jumalan sana, päättymisajat lopussa päivää, Jacobs vaikeuksia Arabia, , (Persia voi olla saatavissa tästä) todistusvoimaisia uusi testamentti, evankeliumi Jeesuksen Kristuksen,Guds ord, slutet gånger sista dagarna Jacobs problem i arabiska, arabiska Bibeln, (persiska kan finns här) giltig Nya testamentet, evangelium om Jesus Kristus ,神的话语,结束时间,结束时间,雅各布麻烦阿拉伯语,阿拉伯语圣经(波斯可浏览)正宗的新约,耶稣的福音, भगवान का शब्द है, अंत बार, अरबी, अरबी बायबल में दिन के अंत, Jacobs मुसीबत, (पर्शियन् यहाँ) प्रामाणिक नए वसीयतनामा, यीशु मसीह का सुसमाचार, उपलब्ध हो सकता है,chữ của god, lần cuối cùng, kết thúc ngày, rắc rối trong Jacobs Tiếng A-rập, Tiếng A-rập Bible, (Tiếng Ba Tư có thể được cung cấp tại đây) các bài mới testament, Tanrı sözü, son kez, Arapça, Arapça İncil gün sonunda, Jacobs sorun, (Farsça buraya) orijinal İncil, İsa ve İncil, kullanılabilir
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