Autobiographical sketch of Harriet Martineau.--I. Royal. The last birthday of the Emperor Nicholas, July 6th, 1854. Metternich and Austria. The Duchess of Gloucester. King Frederick William IV, of Prussia. The Duchess of Kent.--II. Politicians" The Marquis of Anglesey. Joseph Hume. Lord Murray. Lord Herbert of Lea. The Marquis of Lansdowne. Lord Lyndhurst. The Earl of Elgin and Kincardine. The Duke of Newcastle. The Earl of Carlisle. Lord Palmerston. Lord Brougham.--III. Professional. Bishop Bloomfield. Archbishop Whately. The Marquis of Londonderry. Lord Raglan. The Napiers: Lieut.-Gen. Sir William Napier. Rear-Admiral Sir Francis Beaufort. Sir John Richardson. Lord Denman. Lord Chancellor Campbell. David Roberts.--IV. Scientific. George Combe. Alexander von Humbolt.--Social. Miss Berry. Father Mathew. Robert Owen. Lady Noel Byron.--VI. Literary. Amelia Opie. Professor Wilson ("Christopher North") John Gibson Lockhart. Mary Russell Mitford. Charlotte Brontë ("Currer Bell") Samuel Rogers. John Wilson Croker. Mrs. Marcet. Henry Hallam. Mrs. Wordsworth. Thomas De Quincey. Lord Macaulay. Mrs. Jameson. Walter Savage Landor.--Additional. Herschel. Sir Edwin Landseer. Barry Cornwall. Mrs. Somerville