Binder's title Publications by various authors and issued by various publishers Includes bibliographical references The bacteria of the apiary ... / Gershom Franklin White -- European foulbrood / G.F. White -- Sacbrood / G.F. White -- The brood diseases of bees / E.F. Phillips -- The treatment of bee diseases / E.F. Phillips -- The control of European foulbrood / E.F. Phillips -- Studies on the bacteria associated with European foulbrood / C.E. Burnside -- Mixed infection in the brood diseases of bees / Arnold P. Sturtevant -- Relation of commercial honey to the spread of American foulbrood / A.P. Sturtevant -- The development of American foulbrood in relation to the metabolism of its causative organism / A.P. Sturtevant -- The sterilization of American foulbrood combs / A.P. Sturtevant -- The treatment of American foulbrood / Jas. I. Hambeleton -- (continued:) Diagnosing bee diseases in the apiary / C.E. Burnside -- The occurrence of diseases of adult bees, II / E.F. Phillips -- Fungous diseases of the honeybee / C.E. Burnside -- Diseases of bees / Rothamsted Conferences, XXII -- Diseases of the honey bee and their control / A.C. Gould -- Foul brood of bees / F.C. Harrison -- Bee diseases in Ontario -- Control of bee diseases and pests -- Bee diseases / E.J. Dyce -- Report of the Maryland State Beekeepers' Association / 27th annual meeting -- The wax moth and its control / Warren Whitcomb -- The beemoth or waxworm / F.B. Paddock