Official FDA 510k Clearance Certification Documentation for MTD K012595. This FDA 510 Clearance Certification Documentation and many more can be found on within the Resource Library and Product Pages. Aka:
Methadone (MTD) is a narcotic analgesic prescribed for the management of moderate to severe pain and for the treatment of opiate dependence (Heroin, Vicodin, Percocet, Morphine). The pharmacology of Oral Methadone is very different from IV Methadone. Oral Methadone is partially stored in the liver for later use. IV Methadone acts more like heroin. In most states you must go to a pain clinic or a Methadone maintenance clinic to be prescribed Methadone. Methadone is a long acting pain reliever producing effects that last from twelve to forty-eight hours. Methadone. The withdrawals from Methadone are more prolonged and troublesome than those provoked by heroin cessation. Trade Names: Amidone, Diskets, Dolophine, Heptadon, Methadose, Physeptone, Symoron. Street Names: Dollies, Downer, Green, Juice, Meth, MTD.
Drug Testing Kit Product Codes: DOA2104, IDOA194191, DOA1127041019, DOA22105, DOA1124011T, DOA21107019, IDOA1137011, DOA1105051, DOA1104, DOA194, DUD1104051, IDOA11105, IDOA1195, IDUD1107012, IDUE1107141, IDUE1127022, IDUD197014, IS10, IS9, IDUE167342, DOA364, IDOA364OBC, DOA544, DMT102, DMT114, IS1MTD, DOA-2104, I-DOA-194-191, DOA-1127-041-019, DOA-22105, DOA-1124-011T, DOA-21107-019, I-DOA-1137-011, DOA-1105-051, DOA-1104, DOA-194, DUD-1104-051, I-DOA-11105, I-DOA-1195, I-DUD-1107-012, I-DUE-1107-141, I-DUE-1127-022, I-DUD-197-014, IS10, IS9, I-DUE-167-342, DOA-364, I-DOA-364-OBC, DOA-544, DMT-102, DMT-114, IS1 MTD