On t.p. of t. 10-22: par M. A. Valenciennes Publisher varies: t. 13-14 published by Pitois-Levrault et Ce.; t. 15 by Ch. Pitois; Strasbourg, chez Ve. Levrault; t. 16-22 by P. Bertrand; Strasbourg, Chez Ve. Levrault "Strasbourg, Imprimerie de F.G. Levrault, imprimerie du roi"--Verso of half titles, t. 1-13; "Strasbourg, Imprimerie de Ve. Berger-Levrault"--Verso of half titles, t. 14-22 Plates numbered consecutively throughout but including double numbers (i.e. 344-345) and numbers 97bis, 162bis, 162bis [sic], 162ter, 162quater, 168bis, 487bis. First 8 plates numbered I-VIII, printed in large paper format. Plates signed by several different artists Some of the plates are hand-colored "Published also in 4°, rec. 707, which differs only in setting of text."--Cf. Smith, J.C. Georges Cuvier, p. 168 Includes bibliographical references and index Smith, J.C. Georges Cuvier Wood, C.S. Vertebrate zoology Nissen, C. Zoologische Buchillustration extracted picklist SCNHRB has one complete copy (although lacking 4 plates) and two additional copies of the following volumes, only: c. 2 of t. 21; and c. 3 (the quarto-sized type-setting), t. 7 SCNHRB c. 1 lacking pl. nos. 304, 305, 538, & 539 SCNHRB c. 1 stamped on t.p.: Division of Fishes U.S. National Museum. Stamped on verso of t.p.: Smithsonian Library SCNHRB c. 1, t. 1-9, 11 stamped in red on t.p.: S.F. Baird; t. 12-22 stamped in red on t.p.: Smithsonian Institution SCNHRB c. 1 has plates no. I-VIII bound in a folio atlas, [v. 1] and are partially colored; plates [v. 2], no. 9-150, are uncolored; plates [v. 3], no. 151-306, are partially colored. Plates no. 307-650 bound in at end of text of t. 12-22. See library file for further details SCNHRB c. 1, plates [v. 1] has stamped on front and back paste-downs: Library U.S. National Museum Smithsonian Institution Mar 29 1882 [ms. acc. no.] 124814. Plates [v. 2-3] has bookplates: Library of Congress [Smithsonian Deposit]; stamped on 1st front free endpaper: Division of Fishes U.S. National Museum SCNHRB c. 1 has a few ink and pencil ms. notes and markings throughout SCNHRB c. 1 bound in black library buckram, title in gilt on spine SCNHRB c. 1 plates, in 3 v., half bound in green sheepskin and marbled paper boards ([v. 2] rebacked in green cloth) SCNHRB c. 2, t. 21 only, has plates nos. 607-633, all uncolored SCNHRB c. 2 has bookplate: Library of Congress [Smithsonian Deposit] SCNHRB c. 2 stamped on t.p.: Smithsonian Institution National Museum [acc. no.] 290777 [and] Smithsonian Libraries Nov 10 1986 SCNHRB c. 2 half bound in green sheepskin and marbled paper boards, title in gilt on spine SCNHRB c. 3, t. 7 only, is of the quarto type-setting and contains plates no. 170-205, some hand-colored. Lacking plates no. 194, 198, 205; supplied in photocopies; lacking plate no. 189? SCNHRB c. 3 stamped on 1st front free endpaper and t.p.: Division of Fishes U.S. National Museum SCNHRB c. 3 has blind-embossed stamp on t.p.: Koninklijk Zoologisch Genootschap Amsterdam SCNHRB c. 3 inscribed in ink on t.p.: Gift to Division of Fishes from Dr. Herbert R. Axelrod SCNHRB c. 3 quarter bound in green sheepskin and cloth, marbled endpapers; housed in an archival cardboard box