I. Wolsey and the divorce of Henry VIII [Quar., Jan. 1877].--II. The Borgias and their latest historian [Gregorovius. No. Brit., Jan. 1871]--III. Secret history of Charles II [Ho. & for. r., July, 1862]--IV. The civil war in America, its place in history [Lecture delivered at the Lit. and sci. institution, Bridgnorth, 18th Jan. 1866]--V. The rise and fall of the Mexican empire [Lecture delivered at the Bridgnorth lit. and sci. institution, 10th Mar. 1868]--VI. Cavour [Rambler, July, 1861]--VII. The causes of the Franco-Prussian war [A paper read at the "Eranus" and the S. Catharine's college his. soc.]--VIII. The war of 1870 [A lecture delivered at the Bridgnorth lit. and sci. institution, April 25th, 1871]--IX. George Eliot's life [19th cent., March, 1885]--X. Mr. Buckle's thesis and method [Rambler, 1858]--XI. Mr. Buckle's philosophy of history [Rambler, 1858]--XII. German schools of history [Eng. hist. r., 1886, vol. I]--XIII. Talleyrand's Memoirs [19th cent., April 1891]--XIV. The life of Lord Houghton [By T.W. Reid. 19th cent., Dec. 1890]--XV. A history of the papacy during the period of the reformation [By M. Creighton. Eng. hist. r., 1887]--XVI. A short history of Napoleon the First. By John Robert Seeley. The first Napoleon: a sketch, political and military. By John Codman Ropes [Eng. hist. r., vol. II, 1887]--XVII. Mabillion et la société de l'abbaye de Saint-Germain-des-Prés à la fin du XVIIe siècle. Par Emmanuel de Broglie [Eng. hist. r., vol. III, 1888]--XVIII. A history of England, 1837-1880. By the Rev. J. Franck Bright [Eng. hist. r., vol III, 1888]--XIX. A history of the French revolution. By H. Morse Stephens, vol. II [Eng. hist. r., vol. VII, 1892]--XX. Wilhelm von Giesebrecht [Eng. hist. r., vol. V. 1890]--Appendix.--Index Rare Annex copy 2: Gift of Horatio S. White