Written commentary on Colossians, Ephesians, Philemon and Philippians, Urdu version, by Dr. Bob Utley, retired Professor of Hermeneutics (Bible Interpretation). Each letter addresses specific problems facing the church. Paul proclaims the cosmic lordship of Christ and refutes legalism in Colossians. He speaks against the false teachings of Gnosticism. Ephesians has been called the "crowning jewel" of Paul's theology. It emphasizes the fact that Christ is the head of the church and that Christians must live appropriately. The theme of the letter is the unity of all things in Christ. The letter of Philemon is a private letter from Paul to Philemon, a slave owner in Colossae, regarding his slave Onesimus. The letter to Philippians includes one of the finest Christological passages in the New Testament. This church was one that Paul especially loved and he expresses his thankfulness to them for their love and monetary gifts. He encourages the believers to stand firm even in the midst of persecution. Part of the
"You Can Understand the Bible"TM series. For more of Dr. Utley's Bible study guides, and audio and video sermons and commentaries, go to