Proceedings v.26

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Title from caption Place of publication varies Issues for 1873-1895 lack numerical designation but constitute vol. 1, no. 1-v. 21, no. 12 Vols. for Aug. 1926-Sept. 1930 in 2 pts., pt. 2 being a pamphlet of "news and notes." Issued Nov. 1873-Dec. 1895 under same cover with: American Society of Civil Engineers. Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers Split into: Journal of the Air Transport Division; Journal of the City Planning Division; Journal of the Pipeline Division; American Society of Civil Engineers. Sanitary Engineering Division. Journal of the Sanitary Engineering Division; Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division; Journal of the Surveying and Mapping Division; American Society of Civil Engineers. Water Resources Planning and Management Division. Journal of the Water Resources Planning and Management Division; Journal of the Waterways Division; Journal of the Construction Division; and, American Society of Civil Engineers. Highway Division. Journal of the Highway Division Vols. for Jan. 1896-Sept. 1930 contain a separately-paged section of Papers and discussions which are published later in revised form in the Society's Transactions. Beginning Oct. 1930 the Proceedings are limited to technical papers and discussions, while Civil engineering contains items relating to the Society's activities, etc
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