Ruskin the prophet and other centenary studies

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"First published in 1920." For the most part lectures delivered at the Ruskin exhibition in the Royal academy, held in co-operation with the Ruskin centenary council, 1919 Introduction, by J.H. Whitehouse.--Ruskin, by John Masefield.--Ruskin and Plato, by Dean Inge.--Ruskin the prophet, by C.F.G. Masterman.--John Ruskin, by Laurence Binyon.--Ruskin as political economist, by J.A. Hobson.--Ruskin and Shakespeare, by J.A. Dale.--Ruskin and an early friendship (with many unpublished letters), by J.H. Whitehouse.--Ruskin and London, by J.H. Whitehouse.--Some memories of Ruskin, by H.W. Nevinson
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