Selections from the travels and journals preserved in the Bombay secretariat

Book cover
Introduction.--Itinerary from Yezd to Herát and from Herát to Kábul viâ Kandáhár.--Report of journey from Herát to Simla, by Major D'Arcy Todd.--Notice on Herát.--Narrative of a journey from Khelát on Sonmeani, 1839, by Captain Outram.--Account of an embassy to the king of Persia from the ameer of Kábul in 1837--Letters from Major Todd.--Letters from Lieut. Pottinger.--Masson's journals.--Narrative of journey from Tower of Ba-'l-Haff to the ruins of Nakab-al-Hajar, 1835.--Account of excursion in Hadramaut, by Adolphe baron Wrede.--Memoir of the south coast of Arabia from entrance of the Red Sea to Misenat, 1839.--Narrative of journey from Mokhá to San'á by northern route, in 1836--Narrative of journey to Shoa.--Index
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