"Correction": 1 leaf inserted between p. 118 and 119 "Bibliography of Professor Bloomfield's writings": p.[xxiii]-xxxi Pāippalāda and Rigveda, by L.C. Barret.--On the Lithuanian word-stock as Indo-European material, by H.H. Bender.--Congeneric assimilation as a cause of the development of new roots in Semitic, by F.R. Blake.--The recension of Cān̥akya used by Galanos, by G.M. Bolling.--The sources of Indian philosophical ideas, by G.W. Brown.--Escaping one's fate, a Hindu paradox and its use as a psychic motif in Hindu fiction, by W.N. Brown.--Buddhist-Zoroastrian legend of the seven marvels, by E.W. Burlingame.--The philosophic materials of the Atharva Veda, by F. Edgerton.--Irradiation and blending, by E.W. Fay.--Rāuhin̥eya's adventures, the Rāuhin̥eyacaritra, by H.M. Johnson.--Agni Vrtrahan and Verethraghna, by H.W. Magoun.--The life-index, a Hindu fiction motif, by Ruth Norton.--The Vedic press-stones, by S.G. Oliphant.--Licensed feet in Latin verse: a study of the principles of exceptional shortening of diaeresis, and of short vowels in hiatus, by R.S. Radford