A basic explanation related to some aspects of the Technocracy Technate design as explained by Dean D. Cameron, a life long member of Technocracy Incorporated and member of TNAT, The North American Technate. The program described is a scientific social design for the land area of North America. For further information Google Technocracy Technate, Technocracy Study Course, Technocracy Incorporated.
An excerpt of this information:Part four
'How is it one can equate science as a belief system? A belief system is supported by nothing more than an opinion. Science is nothing more than the next most probable. Any belief system is supported by nothing except imagination, while the next most probable is supported by observation of some phenomenon that can be recreated under the same conditions by anyone, at any time and the result will be the same. This is science. This is how fact is established. One can imagine anything, however it can only become science when it can be measured i.e. detected either directly or remotely. Failing this it simply does not exist.' end quote, Dean Cameron.