The Mystery Of Christafarianism, or: Christafarianism 2.0: The Political Correct Update

Book cover
After eight months of research, the Center for Research on Christ pharisees (CRC) concluded an in-depth scrutiny of the Christafari complex and published the results of this investigation in a free e-book written by Messian Dread.

THE MYSTERY OF CHRISTAFARIANISM is a heavily footnoted exposure of the Christian Industrial Complex and Christafari's role in her.

The book contains 14 chapters and is over 200 pages long. It is a follow up for the essay "Christafarianism" which was published in october 2004. However, this book is completely different than that essay.


Prologue: AN OPEN LETTER TO MARK MOHR - if there is one person who should read this book, it is Mark Mohr. He is the public figurehead of Christafari and the inventor of Christafarianism.

Prefix: FOREWARD - An introduction into the mystery of Christafarianism. Ehy was this book written? Why should this book be read?



We will "discover the mystery" by observing how one unbiblical action follows another, by seeing how money and manipulation are "the winning team" as it were. We'll discover, how a serious brainwash campaign is set up in order to keep the Christafarians under tight control.

We'll see how Christafari is not only "all things to all men" when it comes to what they call "witnessing to Rastas", they are also "all things to all men" when it comes to the Christian Industry, an abominable complex that generates economic activety out of the Christian faith. One could say: the commercialization of Christianity.

The four questions that introduce the Christafari section on the CRC website turn out to be quite relevant:





Introduction: THE MORNING AFTER - The first days after the book Christafarianism: Don't Be A Rasta, Be Like A Rasta was published, a lot of things were going on, both for the public's eye as well as behind the scenes.

Chapter 01: SATAN, SKUNK AND STRESS - What are the implications of the fact that Christafari is so lightly in their Theology? What exactly did they do, spiritually? Why did they start with a "final" rebuke? It turns out, that Christafari wanted to kill the messenger.

Chapter 02: GOSPELS, GIFTS AND GREATER SALES - In this chapter we take a first look Christafari's "gospel", which turns out to be "a genre that non-believers must be introduced to which will then lead to greater sales.

And we will be introduced to one very sick way that Christafari uses in order to get money. By looking at three of their fund-raisers, all adressed to Fellow Christafarians we will find some disturbing patterns.

We will also read how Christafari uses the "Picture of the Poor African" to these Christafarians in order to have these potential sponsors give money to Christafari to minister to Africans in person, which is then used by Lion of zion for business.

It seems like money given to the Sowers Organization ends in the Lion Of Zion business which may be violating terms of the Tax Exempt Status and non profit image of Sowers, the money collectors of Christafari. In the chapter, we will find out more details.

Chapter 03: OPERATION INTEROGATION AND ERADICATION - A short report from the e-mail interogation that Mark Mohr conducted with Messian Dread, in the time he was preparing for his article which is called "Mark Mohr's Response To The Essay". The chapter ends with a few remarkable quotes from a Christafarian Artist, with lines such as "Who Cares What Selassie Says" and worse.

Chapter 04: TELEPHONE LOVE - This chapter opens with a description of what is known in evangelical circles as "the blanket of love". Ultimately, this means that one can never say anything perceived negative about someone else's teachings and doctrines, as well as other things.

We are then introduced as to how this is practised by Christafari. It turns out, that Christafarianism is a philosophy based on, aimed at, justifying the personal experiences of one person. In an ultimate attempt to stop the publication of the previous book, Mark Mohr then spent two hours on an intercontinental phone talk. A report from this confrontation brings us a step closer in the discovery of the mystery.

Chapter 05: THREE DAYS IN THE BAIT WITH MARK MOHR - This fifth chapter contains a report from three days of pure terror. While the public was reading the "Final Rebuke To Messian Dread" and behind the scenes the weird correspondence was going on, the Christafarian prepared himself to write "Mark Mohr's Response To The Essay". Of course, it wasn't. It was a piece of brainwash. And it worked in the minds of the christafarians. THREE DAYS IN THE BAIT WITH MARK MOHR contains a report from this brainwash.



It the the thesis of "The Mystery of Christafarianism", that Christafari's "God" and Religion turn out to be none other than Mystery Babylon.

And while we unveil this mystery, in the second part of the book, we will be taken to a deeper level of Christafarianism. We will check the teachings of Christafari, we will check the roots and the fruits. We will uncover material that was hidden for the public's eye along the way.

We will see that these fruits and roots are also described in the Bible. But not in paragraphs dealing with the Church of Yesus Kristos!

Chapter 06: THE "ELECT OF GOD" AND HIS KINGDOM - This chapter starts with a comparance between two people: the first one is the Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie, and the second one is The Christafarian. We will read how the Christafarian calls Haile Selassie an "elect of himself" and denies the authority given to the Ethiopian Emperor as not given by "Almighty God". One of Haile Selassie's titles is Elect of God, but a closer study reveals how Mark Mohr de facto claims that title for himself. We will see his doctrinal teachings concerning this after which we can do nothing but conclude that the Christafarian covers himself in political authority over a great number of people.

Chapter 07: THE ROOTS OF CHRISTAFARIANISM - Starts with a quote of Mark Mohr, giving the example of a band called "Vengeance Rising" in order to substantiate his claim that you should only get band members in a "church". Vengeance Rising is a well known band in the Christian Heavy Metal scene. the singer has turned satanist. We will also take a look into another root of Christafarianism: the George Bush connection so to speak. It turns out, that Christafarianism is well connected with the Bush supporting so-called conservative Christian Right. A website turns out to publish an interview with Mark Mohr where yet even more revelations come to the surface.

Chapter 08: CHRISTAFARIANISM: ANOTHER GOSPEL - Another gospel is, something different then the message of salvation to sinners. A message that should be given freely. A message that does have anything to do with any "Christian Industry". We will take a deep look in the Bible, and we will establish how Christafarianism perfectly fits the description of what the apostle Paulus calls "another gospel". The "Gospel" of Christafarianism definitely turns out to be "another gospel", catering to the itchy ears of "the public"....

Chapter 09: CHECKING THE FRUITS - We will establish how "Pastor Mark" teaches a complete false doctrine when it comes to being born again. He claims to have been through that one time spiritual event at least 15 times! Now when this is not a confession of faith in some kind of weird spiritual reincarnation theory, it is a gross disdain for the most essential part of the Christian Life: BIRTH!

We can establish, however, that "someone" was "born spiritually", and we have come to identify him as "The Christafarian".

We will see how he makes a differentiation between his teachings and the gospel of Yesus Kristos, too. And we will see how he (at least) equates the two writings. In other words: he admits to write another gospel and he admits he wants it to be treated (in his own words) "just like the Gospel Of Jesus Christ"...

We will also take a look at the things of which the Christafarian claims "God" told him. Things which the true God could never hacve told him singce they were factual incorrect: or to put it more blatantly: LIES. They turn out to be, in his own admittance, his own feelings and ideas. They're only presented as things "god" told him. But his "god" lies!

Chapter 10: CHURCH PLANTER ON TRINIDAD - We're going to the Island of Trinidad, where the Christafarian planted a church called The Gathering. Is The Gathering still “under the cover of Sanctuary and the Sowers”? Njet. And therefore, when we speak about the Gathering in this chapter, we do not speak about this current Post-Christafarian Gathering.

Pastor Mark wrote a letter to Trinidad on apil 1st, 2005. It was a letter that one source called a “divorce letter”. There is no more spiritual connection between the Christafarian and the Gathering. The reason for this: Pastor Mark was not seen as “authority that has to be obeyed by all”...

Mark Mohr is personally “under the cover of Sanctuary and the Sowers”, but his silent seperation from the Gathering means that this congregation no longer has anything to do with the Christafarian, at least not in the spiritual sense.

There are still a lot of contacts in the business field. There are also problems in that area, by the way. Trinidad artists don’t deal with Lion of Zion directly anymore, either. They asked one person to maintain the contacts for them.

The bizarre aspect is, that the public is not informed about this “official divorce” but rather kept under the impression that The Gathering still an official Christafari project.

Another “superficial issue in the public’s eye”?

We will also read in this chapter, how the "church" in Trinidad was only intended to be a way of exporting American Post Modernism to Trinidad. It was totally and officially patterned after the Sanctuary Church that produced "worship leaders" such as Roger Martinez, currently self professed "satanist and blasphemer".

The program is simple (italics are Christafari quotes): you "plant a church", make sure that "the worship leaders are all well known carribean gospel artists". In the same time, to plant more seeds you teach young aspiring artists about songwriting and the Christian Music Industry, and your Church 2.0 turns out to be more like a "talent contest", as one of our quotes described this situation that produced the CD "The Gathering - Trinidad and Tobago".

Chapter 11: SILENTLY SEPERATING STAR - A story is told that has yet been unexposed to the general public. It's a story that has many similarities with the Gathering, where we have been reading about in the previous chapter. A story of the Christafarian organizing something with (other) Christians, getting into conflict with these brethren, and subsequently committing a "silent seperation" SILENTLY SEPERATING STAR opens the book. Officially.

Chapter 12: NO MORE JAH: CHRISTAFARIAN APOSTASY? - Every sunday again, we can hear how the Church Choirs sing: HalleluJAH. But this holy Name is definitely not hallowed in the Christian Industry. Where the Most High makes us sing: "He Leadeth Us For HIS NAME's Sake", it turns out that for Christafarianism, this Holy Name turns out to be nothing but a marketing tool. His Holy Name, even preaching the coming judgement on Babylon System, this all turn out to be "boring" to the Christafarian. :

"roots reggae that is even less original with the typical "Jah," Babylon, repatriation, Zion, Conquering Lion, Ethiopia, Rastafari, Marcus Garvey Jargon. There are only so many times that I can hear the same things over and over again. I am exhausted. "

Chapter 13: CONFUSED CHRISTAFARIANS - We will be introduced to the Christafari Cult. The little Christafarians, the "fans" that form the "culture we created". They are truly confused, when you read what they claim. But do they realize that their very confusion should be a sign for them that they truly are initiated into a mystery. How do they get into this Mystery? And what about artists who "just" "want to be sold at LOZ"? These questions are adressed in the 13th chapter...

Chapter 14: MENE MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN - Into the last chapter, which (translated into english) means as much as: "Checked, and found to be too light". It's the conclusive chapter. In it, we will be introduced to the very house of "Christianity", wherein the Christafarian resides. It is a movement called "Neo Evangelical". This name is quite unknown, not in the least to the very members of it. Yet, is has been declared in 1947 and we all know it's biggest celebrity: Billy Graham!

We will also read what His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I had to say to this very same movement, and how he predicted the Christian Industry where the Christafarian works his works. We will see how the Ethiopian Emperor compared the movement with Mystery Babylon.

We will find out, just how connected the Neo Evangelical Movement is with the New World Order, the so-called Judeo Christian Civilization of presidents like George W. Bush.

We will shortly pass through all the different perspectives which we took in this book. We looked at Christafarianism from the perspective of Rastafari, Christianity, Cultural, Journalistical, Intelectually, Psychologically and Sociologically.

We will conclude, how it was not "God" who gave the Christafarian his "Life Ministry". At least, not the God Who created Heaven and Earth and all that dwelleth therein.

We will conclude, how Christafarianism is another Gospel. It's the Gospel of Babylon. and musty be treated as such.

Post Scriptum: EYE WITNESS - Much talk was there about the person who wrote this book. The word "Agenda" has been connected with the very reason behind the writing and exposing of The Mystery Of Christafarianism. The "agenda" turns out to be nothing more then a love for the truth. Freedom Lovers and Yesus Disciples will know what that means.

Appendix 1: Christafari Fundraiser for "Gravity" - Just one example which is analysed in the book.

Appendix 2: Mark Mohr article about Messian Dread, december 2001 - In this article, Mark Mohr "exposes" how "Messian Dread is an avid smoker of marihuana" and more.

Appendix 3: Graphic Chart of Christafari Network
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