Book, leather The compiler's preface / B.F. (Kidderminfter, Dec. 25, 1758) -- The introduction to the work, with some account of the nature of the Saints Rest -- The great preparatives to the Saints Rest -- The excellencies of the Saints Rest -- The character of the persons for whom this Rest is designed -- The misery of those who lost the Saints Rest -- The misery of those, who, besides losing the Saints Rest, lost the enjoyments of time, and suffer the torments of hell -- The necessity of diligently seeking the Saints Rest -- How to discern our title to the Saints Rest -- The duty of the people of God to excite others to seek this Rest -- The Saints Rest is not to be expected on earth -- The importance of leading a heavenly life upon earth -- Directions how to lead a heavenly life upon earth -- The nature of Heavenly Contemplation, with the time, place, and temper fittest for it -- What use heavenly Contemplation makes of consideration, affections, soliloquy, and prayer -- Heavenly Contemplation assisted by sensible objects, and guarded against a treacherous heart -- Heavenly Contemplation exemplified, and the whole work concluded Evans 18