[Transcriber's Note: This e-text consists of two books: _Spellings for the Schools in the Chipeway Language_ _Sketch of Grammar of the Chippeway Language_ In the first book (Spellings. .. ), the hyphen - is used to separatesyllables. In the second book (Grammar. .. ) the hyphen seems torepresent the glottal stop. In the word lists of the first book, the first entry in each column wassometimes-- but not consistently-- capitalized. This capitalization hasbeen retained, whether or not the e-text layout replicates the original. A few punctuation marks in the paradigms and vocabulary lists have beensupplied or regularized. Other errors and anomalies are listed at theend of the text. Bracketed text is in the original unless otherwisenoted. ] * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Spellings for the Schools in the_CHIPEWAY LANGUAGE. _ Ah-na-she-nah-pa, Oo-te-ke-too-we-nun;Ka-ke-ke-noo-ah-mah-ween-twah e-kewh, Ka-nah-wah-pahn-tah-gigk Mah-ze-nah-e-kun. YORK, U. CANADA:Printed for the Canada Conference Missionary Society. 1828 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z & 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0, ; : . ? ! - SPELLINGS. _Words of one Syllable. _ Kah Neeje Squachnah keeje shwassah weeje quaichwah moose paskekeene koose kaugkneene noose mongkweene meezhe shongkmeene peezhe jeeseowh neezhe aahehowh weezhe tdushewh moozhe _Words of two Syllables accented on the second. _ Ah keh ah toon me nickah keeng e mah me quomah kik e kewh me zehah mik e newh me squehahn doohm e qua me tigkah nungk I yahdt nah maihah owh kah yawsk ne gigkah pa ke tahn ne pehah pweh ke quis ne peengah sin ke nwazhe ne singah tick mah quah _Words of two Syllables, accented on the second. _ Ne sweh oo ninje qui yuckoo chawzhe oon taus shing quawkoo kaudt oo pin shing kouboo kowh oo saum shing kaugkoo kun Oo zidt tah zhehoo mah oo skonzhe te pigkoo nick oo taih wah zhusk _Words of two syllables accented on the 1st & 2nd. _ Ah zheh ke kooh me kauncea shkum ke zhick me nancea sance ke zis me quaicha squach ki ya me quona tah koo koosh me tdusha yaudt mah che me owha zheh mah kuk me zhuskche mon mah mick nah nindtche pywh mah noo na kowhka che mahn tdah na yaubka kate ma quah ne winka gooh me chim ning kahke kah me kun _Words of three syllables accented on the 1st & 2nd. _ noo sa poo neh wa quainnoo tdin se peh wau poosenoo tding sah keh we kahnoong koom sau kie we ninoo jee she shebe we yausepah mah tain ta we pidtpa kah wa nain ween sahpe toon _Words of three Syllables, accented on the second and third. _ Ah je chaugk ah zhoo gun nah kah moohah kah mingk a me quahn ne zhe kaihah neen teh a yah chick oo me mehah ne moosh a yah yun oo nah kunah ne peesh a zhah yun oo ne shkaudtah noo kee ka yah peh oo que sonah pa kish mah ke sin oon tah shahnah quing koos mah ne toonce oo ske zhickah she kun mah ne toosh oo se tongkah wah kahn mah ske moodt pe je nuckah wa seeh me ke seh shah wain tungah yah pa me sah owh shah wa nim _Words of three Syllables, accented on the second and half accent on the third. _ E nah shka mah noo min me she nucke qua sance me quain tun me tig kooncee shkoo ta me sah poose mun tah minke na pigk me she min nah ma kooske noo zhai me she kaih nah ma pin _Words of three Syllables accented on the first and third. _ Pah ke tinwau be gunwau bah maudtwau be min _Words of three syllables accented on the last. _ Ah nah quodt ke she kuck pe pah kime we te koo se non pe she kehing koo che me nah wah sah ke maihing koo twaus me ne zis sah ke toodtish pe ming me ze saih se wah quahnka ah koo moo koo mon shah kah noshkah kah keh mun ne too shong qua shehkah nah ka mun ne toogk shoo ne yahkah ke nick nah koo shah tah be schoochkah ke nah nah too way tah que shinkah shah kance neen ah windt ta pain tungkkah sah meh ne se tum ta pwa tungkkah moo keede ning ke che tain ta sehkah we kah noo se non wah ne toodtka ka keh nowh ah quay wah wah noonka koo weene oo che pway wa koo nainka ke quait oo ke mah wa wa nehke me wun oo me squeem weje e shinke nah wah pah pah say wig ke waumke ke che pe me zeh we nah wahke she kudt pe na sheeh we wah quahn _Words of four syllables, accented on the second and fourth. _ Ah chit ah mooh oo mah kah kehah kuck koo jeesh oo mong ke zhehah sun ah kooh oo tah pe nickah wah se seh oo tah pe nune nah pe yook oo ta e minke pah e kun oo que se monke pim oo say oo wig ke waumke tah e kun pah ske se gunme squah ta seh she kah kah winzhene pwah kah win ta pwa tah wickne wah pah tahn wah oo na sehoo ka yah wis _Words of four syllables accented on the sixth. _ Ah quah tah sheeh na pwah kah chickah se ke nauk pah kah ah quaihah zhah wah maig too too shah booain tah che yungk waug ke koo monke zhe tah yook wah wah ska shehmaun nah ta nis _Words of five syllables, a full accent on the last, and half accent on the second. _ Ah kin tah soo win neeng ke te mah kisah nah me ah win ne skah te se winah ne she nah pay nin tah wa mah tookah quah ne pe sahn ne te ke koo tookah sin ne se kah oo kah ke qua winke moo te schke win oo zhe pe e kunke nah we schke win pah kun te se winmah ze nah e kun pah pah ke wah yahnme ne te we nun shah wa ne te winme skoo te se min sah ke e te winme tig quah ke zin ween tah mah we shinmon nain e te win we too kah we shinne kah ne se took _Words of five syllables, accented on the first, the third and last. _ Pa zhe go kah zheepeen tah kah ta waunoo ke mah we winoo te ke too winshe pe koo pah tickwah ne squa se win _Accented on the two first and last. _ Too toosh pim me tay _Words of six syllables accented on the third and last. _ Kah ke pah te se winkah ke qua we ne nehkah nah wah pa me shinkah nah wa ne me shinmah noo min e ka zheehmah kah ta e ne nehe she wa pe se winta pwa yain tah moo win _Accented on the second and last. _ Ke too ke mah me nonkah ke pah te se winna nahn tah we e waidtoo mah ze nah e kunwah wah pe koo noo jhee _Accented on the third and two last. _ ka ke noo ah mah kaidtmah che ah ye e wishah koo koo pe nah gunah wah che wun nah gun _Accented on the 4th and last. _ Ahn e me tah koo zin. THE LORD'S PRAYER. _Ke-sha-mun-ne-too Oo-que-son Oo-tah-ne-me-tah-koo-se-win. _ Neeng-ke-che noo-se-non, Ish-pe-ming a-yah-yun. Ka-che-mun-ne-too-we-ne-kah-soo-yun. Ke-ke-che-ke-too-ke-mah-we-winpe-tah-we-she-nom. A-na-ne-me-wong-kane oo-mah-ke-zhe ah-keengne-kah-e-she-we-pe-se-min; tah-pe-schooch a-she-wa-buk e-we-tyIsh-pe-ming. Me-she-she-nom ka-ne-tah-soo ke-she-kuk me-chimpe-mah-te-se-win. Ki-ya pa-kah-shah-wa-ne-me-she-nomche-sah-ke-che-wa-pe-nah-mah-we-yong mah-che-ah-ye-e-wish, nah-sab-e-koo a-she shah-wa-ne-mong-ke-twah oo-koohkah-pah-tah-e-yah-me-ke-chik, ki-ya keen e-she-shah-wa-ne-me-she-nom. Ka-goo we-kah ing-koo-chee ah-ne-e-she-we-she-she-kah-kaneche-nah-ne-sah-ne-se-yong; mah-noo sah-koo kah-ke-nahshah-koo-te-nah-mah-we-she-nom mah-che-ah-ye-e-wish. Keen-mah-ween ke te-pain-tahn ke-che-oo-ke-mah-we-win, ki-ya euh ke-che-e-she-wa-pe-se-win, ki-ya euh ah-nah-me-ah-winka-che-me-nwa-tah-quok, kah-ke-nik ki-ya kah-ke-nik. --Amen. GRACE BEFORE MEAT. Ah-noo-shoo-tah-mah-ka-win, che-pwah-we-se-ningk. O Ke-sha-mun-ne-too Ish-pe-ming a-yah-yun, Shah-wain-tah-mah-we-she-nommahn-tdah me-chim pe-mah-te-se-win, kah-pah-ke-te-nah-mah-we-yongk;me-tdush ka-oon-je mah-skah-we-se-yongk che-ah-noo-ke-tah-koo yun;me-owh Jesus Christ a-pa-ne-moo-yongk. Amen. GRACE AFTER MEAT. Ah-noo-shoo-tah-mah-ka-win, kah-e-squah, we-se-ningk. O Ke-sha-mun-ne-too, neeng-keche Noo-se-non, me-quaich wa-wa-nehkah-we-se-ne-yongk noo-koom, ki-ya ain-tah-soo-ke-she-kuckshah-wain-ne-me-yongk; me-sab-owh Jesus Christ kah-ke-nigkka-ah-pa-ne-moo yongk. Amen. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Sketch of Grammarof theCHIPPEWAY LANGUAGE, To Which Is Added a Vocabularyof some of the most common Words. By JOHN SUMMERFIELD, alias, SAHGAHJEWAGAHBAHWEH. Cazenovia:PRESS OF J. F. FAIRCHILD & SON. 1834. ADVERTISEMENT. The following pages were written as an exercise for my leisure hours, while attending the Oneida Conference Seminary during the past winter. As it is the first attempt that, to my knowledge, has ever been made toreduce the Chippeway language to any system, it cannot be expected to beotherwise than imperfect, and perhaps may hereafter be found to be, insome respects, erroneous. It is, however, as free from errors as mypresent means have enabled me to make it. It has been printed at therequest of my friends, by a fellow student, at his own suggestion andexpense. J. SUMMERFIELD. Cazenovia, April 10, 1834. SKETCH OF GRAMMAR, &c. The Letters used in the Chippeway Language, are twenty-one, viz. A, a; B, b; C, c; D, d; E, e; G, g; H, h; I, i; J, j; K, k; M, m; N, n;O, o; P, p; Q, q; S, s; T, t; U, u; W, w; Y, y; Z, z. F, L, R, V, and X, are not used. There are, in the Chippeway Language, ten parts of Speech, namely, the _article_, the _noun_, the _pronoun_, the _adjective_, the _verb_, the _participle_, the _adverb_, the _preposition_, the _conjunction_, and the _interjection_. OF THE ARTICLE. There is but one Article, used definitely both in the masculine andneuter genders, viz. Owh, the, m. ; Ewh, the, n. OF NOUNS. A Noun is the name of any person, place, or thing; as, Eneneh, man;Kahdahnahqueeng, Kingston; metig, tree. Nouns are of two sorts, Common and Proper. Common Nouns stand for kinds containing many sorts, or for sorts containing many individuals under them; as, Ahwaseeh, animal; eneneh, man; kegownh, fish; penaseh, bird. Proper Nouns are the names appropriated to individuals, as, Charles, Cazenovia, Ganges. [N. B. Proper names, with a few exceptions, are the same as in English. ] To Nouns belong gender, person, number, and case. GENDER. Gender is the distinction of nouns with regard to sex. Nouns have three genders, the masculine, the feminine, and the neuter. The masculine gender denotes males; as, Eneneh, man. The feminine gender is applied to animals, fishes, and birds; as, Nahbak, a she bear, &c. The neuter gender denotes things without sex; as, Wewahquon, a hat. NUMBER. Number is the distinction of objects as one or more. Nouns are of two numbers, the singular and the plural. The singular number implies but one object; as, Mahzenahegun, a book. The plural number implies more than one; as, Mahzhenahegahnun, books. CASE. Nouns have three cases, the nominative, the possessive, and theobjective. The nominative case simply expresses the name of a thing, &c. ; as, Owh quewesanceoobahkahmegezeh, the boy plays. The possessive case expresses the relation of property or possession, and always ends with the letter _o_; as, Noosayo wegewaum, my father's house. The objective case expresses the object of an action or of relation; as John owejeahn Charles, John assists Charles. Nouns may be declined in the following manner: Singular. Plural. _Nom. Case_, Eneneh, man. Enenewug, men. _Poss. Case_, Eneneho, man's. Enenewugo, men's. _Obj. Case_, Eneneh, man. Enenewug, men. OF PRONOUNS. A Pronoun is a word used instead of a noun, to avoid repeating the sameword; as, Pahpenatum eneneh, the man is happy; Pahpenatum, he is happy. PERSONAL PRONOUNS. There are three personal pronouns, viz. Neen, I; keen, thou; ween, he;with their plurals, Nenahwind, we; kenahwah, ye or you; wenahwah, they. Personal pronouns have person, number, gender and case. The persons of pronouns are three in each number, viz. Neen, I, is the first person, } Keen, thou, is the second person, } Singular. Ween, he, is the third person, } Nenahwind, we, is the first person, } Kenahwah, you, is the second person, } Plural. Wenahwah, they, is the third person, } _Number. _--Pronouns have two numbers, the singular and the plural. _Case. _--Pronouns have three cases, the nominative, the possessive, andthe objective. Pronouns cannot be declined. The cases of each person have the sameform. First person. _Singular. _ _Plural. _ _Nom. _ Neen, I. Nenahwind, we. _Poss. _ Neen, mine. Nenahwind, ours. _Obj. _ Neen, me. Nenahwind, us. OF ADJECTIVES. An Adjective is a word added to a noun to express its quality; as, quahnoj eneneh, a good man; menwawezheh eneneh, an industrious man. Adjectives are not varied to agree with their nouns, nor do they haveany regular comparison. The following is a list of Numeral Adjectives: Pazhick, 1 Neezhe, 2 Nesweh, 3 Newin, 4 Nahnun, 5 Ingoodwahsweh, 6 Neswahsweh, 7 Shahsweh, 8 Shongsweh, 9 Metahsweh, 10 Metahsweh ahshepazhick, 11 ---- ahsheneezhe, 12 ---- ahshenesweh, 13 ---- ahshenewin, 14 ---- ahshenahnun, 15 ---- ahsheingoodwahsweh, 16 ---- ahsheneswahsweh, 17 ---- ahsheswahsweh, 18 ---- ahsheshongsweh, 19 Nestahnah, 20 Nestahnah ahshepachick, 21 ---- ahsheneezhe, 22 ---- ahshenesweh, 23 ---- ahshenewin, 24 ---- ahshenahnun, 25 ---- ahsheingoodwahsweh, 26 ---- ahsheneswahsweh, 27 ---- ahsheshahsweh, 28 ---- absheshongsweh, 29 Nesemetahnah, 30 Nemedahnah, 40 Nahnemedahnah, 50 Ingoodwahsemedahnah, 60 Neswahsemedahnah, 70 Swahsemedahnah, 80 Shonggahswehmedahnah, 90 Ingoodwak, 100 Nezhwak, 200 Neswak, 300 Newak, 400 Nahnwak, 500 Ingoodwahswak, 600 Nezhahswak, 700 Shawhswak, 800 Shongahswak, 900 Medahswak, 1000 Neezhemedahswak, 2000 Medahswehdahswak, 10, 000 Nestahnahdahswak, 20, 000 Nemedahnahdahswak, 40, 000 OF VERBS. A Verb is a word which signifies to be, to do, or to suffer; as, Nedahyah, I am; Nedebahkoonewa, I rule; Nedebahkoonegoo, I am ruled. Verbs are of three kinds, active, passive, and neuter. A Verb Active expresses an action, and necessarily implies an agent and an object acted upon; as, Nezhahgeah James, I love James. A Verb Passive expresses passion or a suffering or the receiving of an action, and implies an object acted upon, and an agent by which it is acted upon; as, Chezhahwaneding, to be loved; John oojezhahwanemah neen, John is loved by me. A Verb Neuter expresses neither action nor passion, but being or a state of being; as, Nenebah, I sleep; Nenahmahdub, I sit. Verbs have number, person, mood and tense. NUMBER AND PERSON. Verbs have two numbers, the singular and the plural. There are three persons in each number; as, Pers. _Singular. _ _Plural. _ 1. Nezhahwanega, I love. Nezhahwanegamin, we love. 2. Kezhahwanega, thou lovest. Kezhahwanegaim, you love. 3. Zhawanega, he loves. Zhahwanegawug, they love. MOOD. The moods are five, Indicative, Subjunctive, Imperative, Potential, andthe Infinitive. The Indicative declares or affirms positively, or it asks a question; as, Zhahwanega, he loves; Zhahwaneganah? Does he love? The Subjunctive expresses action or passion in a doubtful manner; as, Kespin zhahwanegaid, if he loves. The Imperative is used for commanding, exhorting, and entreating; as, Mahjahn keen, depart thou; Noodahmooyook, do thou listen. The Potential implies possibility, liberty, power, will; as, Tahgemewan kahnahbuge, it may rain; Kegahwesenemin kiya kahmenequamin, we shall eat and drink. The Infinitive simply expresses the signification of the verb; as, Cheezechegang, to do; Chegegedoong, to speak. TENSE. Verbs have six tenses, the present, the imperfect, the perfect, thepluperfect, the first and second future tenses. The present tense represents a present action as taking place at the time in which it is mentioned; as, Nebop, I laugh; Newob, I see; Nedenadum, I think. The imperfect tense denotes past action or event however distant, finished, but without defining the exact time of its completion; as, Oodanongezahbahneeg ahpe naquaskahwod, they were travelling to the town when he met them. The perfect tense refers not only to what is past but also conveys an allusion to the present time; as, Ahzheh negegezhetoon nemahzhenahegun, I have finished my letter. The pluperfect tense represents a thing, not only as past, but also as prior to some other point of time specified in the sentence; as, Ahzehnegegezhetonahbun letter chebwabedahgweshing, I had finished my letter before he arrived. The first future tense represents the action as yet to come, either with or without respect to the precise time when; as, Owh kezis tahbemookahum wahbung, the sun will rise to-morrow. The second future tense represents a future action that will be accomplished before another future action; as, Negahwesenenahbun nahwahquaig, I shall have dined at twelve o'clock. A Verb is conjugated in the following manner: TO LOVE. --Indicative Mood. _Present Tense. _ _Sing. _ 1. Nezhahwanega, I love. 2. Kezhahwanega, Thou lovest. 3. Zhahwanega, He loves. _Plur. _ 1. Nezhahwanegamin, We love. 2. Kezhahwanegaim, Ye or you love. 3. Zhahwanegawug, They love. _Imperfect. _ _Sing. _ 1. Negezhahwanega, I loved. 2. Kegezhahwanega, Thou lovedst. 3. Kezhahwanega, He loved. _Plur. _ 1. Negezhahwanegamin, We loved. 2. Kegezhahwanegaim, Ye or you loved. 3. Kezhawanegawug, They loved. _Perfect. _ _Sing. _ 1. Ahzehnegezhahwanega, I have loved. 2. Ahzehkegezhahwanega, Thou hast loved. 3. Ahzehkezhahwanega, He has loved. _Plur. _ 1. Ahzehnegezhahwanegamin, We have loved. 2. Ahzehkegezhahwanegaim, Ye or you have loved. 3. Ahzehkezhahwanegawug, They have loved. _Pluperfect. _ _Sing. _ 1. Ahzehnegezhahwaneganahbun, I had loved. 2. Ahzehkegezhahwaneganahbun, Thou hadst loved. 3. Ahzehkezhahwanegabun, He had loved. _Plur. _ 1. Ahzehnegezhawanegaminahbun, We had loved. 2. Ahzehkegezhahwanegamwahbun, You had loved. 3. Ahzehkezhahwanegabahneeg, They had loved. _First Future. _ _Sing. _ 1. Negahzhahwanega, I shall or will love. 2. Kegahzhahwanega, Thou shalt or wilt love. 3. Tahzhahwanega, He shall or will love. _Plur. _ 1. Negahzhahwanegamin, We shall or will love. 2. Kegahzhahwanegaim, You shall or will love. 3. Tahzhahwanegawug, They shall or will love. _Second Future. _ _Sing. _ 1. Negahzhahwaneganahbun, I shall have loved. 2. Kegahzhahwaneganahbun, Thou wilt have loved. 3. Tahzhahwanegabun, He will have loved. _Plur. _ 1. Negahzhahwanegaminahbun, We shall have loved. 2. Kegahzhahwanegamwahbun, You will have loved. 3. Tahzhahwanegabahneeg, They will have loved. IMPERATIVE MOOD. _Present Tense. _ _Sing. _ 1. Tahgahneenegazhahwanega, Let me love. 2. Zhahwanegain, or } Love thou, or do thou love. Kezhahwaneganah, } 3. Tahgahween tahzhahwanega, Let him love. _Plur. _ 1. Tahgahnenahwind } Let us love. Gahzhahwanegamin, } 2. Zhahwanegayook, or } Love ye or you, or Kezhahwanegaimnah, } do you love. 3. Tahgahwenahwah } Let them love. Tahzhahwanegawug, } POTENTIAL MOOD. _Present Tense. _ _Sing. _ 1. Nedahzhahwanega, I may love. 2. Kedahzhahwanega, Thou mayest love. 3. Tahzhahwanega, He may love. _Plur. _ 1. Nedahzhahwanegamin, We may love. 2. Kedahzhahwanegaim, You may love. 3. Tahzhahwanegawug. They may love. _Imperfect Tense. _ _Sing. _ 1. Nedahgezhahwanega, I might love. 2. Kedahgezhahwanega, Thou mightest love. 3. Tahgezhahwanega, He might love. _Plur. _ 1. Nedahgezhahwanegamin, We might love. 2. Kedahgezhahwanegaim, You might love. 3. Tahgezhahwanegawug, They might love. _Perfect Tense. _ _Sing. _ 1. Nedahgewezhahwanega, I may have loved. 2. Kedahgewezhahwanega, Thou mayst have loved. 3. Tahgewezhahwanega, He may have loved. _Plur. _ 1. Nedahgewezhahwanegamin, We may have loved. 2. Kedahgewezhahwanegaim, You may have loved. 3. Tahgewezhahwanegawug, They may have loved. _Pluperfect Tense. _ _Sing. _ 1. Nedahgewezhahwaneganahbun, I might have loved. 2. Kedahgewezhahwaneganahbun, Thou mightest have loved. 3. Tahgewezhahwanegabun, He might have loved. _Plur. _ 1. Nedahgewezhahwanegaminahbun, We might have loved. 2. Kedahgewezhahwanegamwahbun, You might have loved. 3. Tahgewezhahwanegabahneeg, They might have loved. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. _Present Tense. _ _Sing. _ Kespin zhahwanegayaun, If I love. Kespin zhahwanegayun, If thou lovest. Kespin zhahwahnegaid, If he loves. _Plur. _ Kespin zhahwanegayong, If we love. Kespin zhahwanegayaig, If you love. Kespin zhahwanegawod, If they love. INFINITIVE MOOD. _Pres. _ Chezhahwanegang, To love. _Perf. _ Chegezhahwanegang, To have loved. _Fut. _ Ahyegwahwezhahwanegang, To be about to love. PARTICIPLES. _Present, _ Zhahwaneding, Loving. _Perfect, _ Zhahwanemind, Loved. Conjugation of the Verb TO BE. INDICATIVE MOOD. _Present Tense. _ _Sing. _ Nedahyah, I am. Kedahyah, Thou art. Ahyah, He is. _Plur. _ Nedahyahmin, We are. Kedahyaum, Ye or you are. Ahyahwug, They are. _Imperfect Tense. _ _Sing. _ Nedahyahnahbun, I was. Kedahyahnahbun, Thou wast. Ahyahbun, He was. _Plur. _ Nedahyahmenahbun, We were. Kedahyahmwahbun, You were. Ahyahbahneeg, They were. _Perfect Tense. _ _Sing. _ Negeahyahnahbun, I have been. Kegeahyahnahbun, Thou hast been. Keahyahbun, He has been. _Plur. _ Negeahyahmin, We have been. Kegeahyaum, You have been. Keahyahwug, They have been. _Pluperfect Tense. _ _Sing. _ Nedahgeweahyahnahbun, I had been. Kedahgeweahyahnahbun, Thou hadst been. Keweahyahbun, He had been. _Plur. _ Nedahgeweahyahmin, We had been. Kedahgeweahyaum, You had been. Keahyahbahneeg, They had been. _First Future Tense. _ _Sing. _ Negahahyah, I shall be. Kegahahyah, Thou wilt be. Tahahyah, He will be. _Plur. _ Negahahyahmin, We shall be. Kegahahyaum, You will be. Tahahyahwug, They will be. _Second Future Tense. _ _Sing. _ Negahgeahyahnahbun, I shall have been. Kegahgeahyahnahbun, Thou wilt have been. Tahgeahyahbun, He will have been. _Plur. _ Negahgeahyahmenahbun, We shall have been. Kegahgeahyahmwahbun, You will have been. Tahgeahyahbahneeg, They will have been. IMPERATIVE MOOD. _Sing. _ Tahgahnenegahahyah, Let me be. Ahyaun kegeahyahun, Be thou or do thou be. Tahgahweendahahyah, Let him be. _Plur. _ Tahgahnenahwindnegahahyahmin, Let us be. Ahyahyook, Be ye or you or do you be. Tahgahdahahyahwug, Let them be. POTENTIAL MOOD. _Present Tense. _ _Singular. _ Koonemah-nedahahyah, I may be. Koonemah-kedahahyah, Thou mayst be. Koonemah-dahahyah, He may be. _Plural. _ Koonemah-nedahahyahmin, We may be. Koonemah-kedahahyaum, You may be. Koonemah-dahahyahwug, They may be. _Imperfect Tense. _ _Singular. _ Koonemah-nedahgeahyah, I might be. Koonemah-kedahgeahyah, Thou mightest be. Koonemah-tahgeahyah, He might be. _Plural. _ Koonemah-nedahgeahyahmin, We might be. Koonemah-kedahgeahyaum, You might be. Koonemah-tahgeahyahwug, They might be. _Perfect Tense. _ _Singular. _ Koonemah-nedahgeahyahnahbun, I may have been. Koonemah-kedahgeahyahnahbun, Thou mayst have been. Koonemah-tahgeahyahbun, He may have been. _Plural. _ ---- nedahgeahyahminnahbun, We may have been. ---- kedahgeahyahmwahbun, You may have been. ---- tahgeahyahbahneeg, They may have been. _Pluperfect Tense. _ _Singular. _ ---- nedahgeweahyahnahbun, I might have been. ---- kedahgeweahyahnahbun, Thou mightest have been. ---- tahgeweahyahbun, He might have been. _Plural. _ ---- nedahgeweahgahmenanbun, We might have been. ---- kedahgeweahyahmwahbun, You might have been. ---- tahgeweahyahbahneeg, They might have been. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. _Present Tense. _ _Sing. _ Kespin ahyahyaun, If I be. Kespin ahyahyun, If thou be. Kespin ahyaud, If he be. _Plur. _ Kespin ahyahyong, If we be. Kespin ahyahyaig, If you be. Kespin ahyahwaud, If they be. _Imperfect Tense. _ _Sing. _ Kespin ahyahyahbaun, If I were. Kespin ahyahyahbun, If thou wert. Kespin ahyahpun, If he were. _Plur. _ Kespin ahyahyongebun, If we were. Kespin ahyahyaigoobun, If you were. Kespin ahyahwahpun, If they were. INFINITIVE MOOD. _Present. _ Cheahyong, To be. _Perfect. _ Chegeahyong, To have been. PARTICIPLES. _Pres. _ Ahyong, Being. _Perf. _ Ahyod, Been. Conjugation of the Passive Verb TO BE LOVED. INDICATIVE MOOD. _Present Tense. _ _Singular. _ Nezhahwanemegoo, I am loved. Kezhahwanemegoo, Thou art loved. Zhahwanemah, He is loved. _Plural. _ Nezhahwanemegoomin, We are loved. Kezhahwanemegoom, You are loved. Zhahwanemahwug, They are loved. _Imperfect. _ _Singular. _ Nezhahwanemegoonahbun, I was loved. Kezhahwanemegoonahbun, Thou wast loved. Zhahwanemahbun, He was loved. _Plural. _ Nezhahwanemegoomenahbun, We were loved. Kezhahwanemegoomwahbun, You were loved. Zhahwanemahbahneeg, They were loved. _Perfect. _ _Singular. _ Negezhahwanemegoo, I have been loved. Kegezhahwanemegoo, Thou hast been loved. Kezhahwanemah, He has been loved. _Plural. _ Negezhahwanemegoomin, We have been loved. Kegezhahwanemegoom, You have been loved. Kezhahwanemahwug, They have been loved. _Pluperfect. _ _Singular. _ Negezhahwanemegoonahbun, I had been loved. Kegezhahwanemegoonahbun, Thou hadst been loved. Kezhahwanemahbun, He had been loved. _Plural. _ Negezhahwanemegoomenahbun, We had been loved. Kegezhahwanemegoomwahbun, You had been loved. Kezhahwanemahbahneeg, They had been loved. _First Future. _ _Singular. _ Negahzhahwanemegoo, I shall be loved. Kegahzhahwanemegoo, Thou wilt be loved. Tazhahwanemah, He will be loved. _Plural. _ Negahzhahwanemegoomin, We shall be loved. Kegahzhahwanemegoom, You will be loved. Tahzhahwanemahwug, They will be loved. _Second Future. _ _Singular. _ Negahgezhahwanemegoo, I shall have been loved. Kegahgezhahwanemegoo, Thou wilt have been loved. Tahgezhahwanemah, He will have been loved. _Plural. _ Negahgezhahwanemegoomin, We shall have been loved. Kegahgezhahwanemegoom, You will have been loved. Tahgezhahwanemahwug, They will have been loved. IMPERATIVE MOOD. _Singular. _ Tahgahnenegah zhahwanemegoo, Let me be loved. Tahgahkegah zhahwanemegoo, Be thou loved or do thou be loved. Tahgahween tahzhahwanemah, Let him be loved. _Plural. _ Tahgahnenahwind } Let us be loved. Negahzhahwanemegoomin, } Tahgahkenahwah kahzhahwanemegoom, Be you loved or do you be loved. Tahgahwenahwah tahzhahwanemahwug, Let them be loved. POTENTIAL MOOD. _Present Tense. _ _Singular. _ Nedahkoonemahzhahwanemegoo, I may be loved. Kedahkoonemahzhahwanemegoo, Thou mayest be loved. Tahkoonemahzhahwanemah, He may be loved. _Plural. _ Nedahkoonemahzhahwanemegoomin, We may be loved. Kedahkoonemahzhahwanemegoom, You may be loved. Tahkoonemahzhahwanemahwug, They may be loved. _Imperfect Tense. _ _Singular. _ Nedahgekoonemahzhahwanemegoo, I might be loved. Kedahgekoonemahzhahwanemegoo, Thou mightest be loved. Tahgekoonemahzhahwanemah, He might be loved. _Plural. _ Nedahgekoonemahzhahwanemegoomin, We might be loved. Kedahgekoonemahzhahwanemegoom, You might be loved. Tahgekoonemahzhahwanemahwug, They might be loved. _Perfect Tense. _ _Singular. _ Nedahgekoonemahkezhahwanemegoo, I may have been loved. Kedahgekoonemahkezhahwanemegoo, Thou mayest have been loved. Tahgekoonemahkezhahwanemah, He may have been loved. _Plural. _ Nedahgekoonemahkezhahwanemegoomin, We may have been loved. Kedahgekoonemahkezhahwanemegoom, You may have been loved. Tahgekoonemahkezhahwanemahwug, They may have been loved. _Pluperfect Tense. _ _Singular. _ Nedahgekoonemahkezhahwanemegoonahbun, I might have been loved. Kedahgekoonemahkezhahwanemegoonahbun, Thou mightest have been loved. Tahgekoonemahkezhahwanemahbun, He might have been loved. _Plural. _ Nedahgekoonemahkezhahwanemegoomenahbun, We might have been loved. Kedahgekoonemahkezhahwanemegoomwahbun, You might have been loved. Tahgekoonemahkezhahwanemahbahneeg, They might have been loved. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. _Present Tense. _ _Singular. _ Kespin zhahwanemegooyaun, If I be loved. Kespin zhahwanemegooyun, If thou be loved. Kespin zhahwanemind, If he be loved. _Plural. _ Kespin zhahwanemegooyong, If we be loved. Kespin zhahwanemegooyaig, If you be loved. Kespin zhahwanemindwah, If they be loved. _Imperfect Tense. _ _Singular. _ Kespin zhahwanemegooyahbaun, If I were loved. Kespin zhahwanemegooyahbun, If thou wert loved. Kespin zhahwanemindebun, If he were loved. _Plural. _ Kespin zhahwanemegooyonggebun, If we were loved. Kespin zhahwanemegooyaiggoobun, If you were loved. Kespin zhahwanemindwahbun, If they were loved. INFINITIVE MOOD. _Present. _ Chezhahwanemegoong, To be loved. _Perfect. _ Chegezhahwanemegoong, To have been loved. PARTICIPLES. _Present. _ Zhahwanemegoong, Being loved. _Perfect. _ Zhahwanemind, Loved. OF PARTICIPLES. A Participle is a word derived from a Verb, and has the nature of a verband also of an adjective. Verbs have two participles, the present and the perfect. The present participle denotes action or being continued, but not finished. It generally ends in _ing_, _eng_, or _g_; as, Tebahkooneding, Ruling, &c. The perfect participle denotes action or being, finished. This can also be distinguished by its ending in _ed_ or _d_; as Pahpid, laughed; Shoshomequanid, smiled. OF ADVERBS. An Adverb is a word used to modify the sense of a verb, &c. ; as, Kagatequahnoj eneneh, a truly good man. List of Adverbs: 1. Ingooding, once; neshing, twice; nesing, thrice. 2. Netum, first; Esquache, lastly. 3. Omah, here; ahnedeh, where; negoojee, somewhere; kahweenegoojee, nowhere; ishpeming nahkayah, upward; nesahye-ee nahkayah, downward; esquayong nahkayah, backward; negaun nahkayah, forward, &c. 4. Noogoom, now; chekezheguk, to-day; mawezhah, long ago; pejenahgooh, yesterday; noomahyah, lately; wahbung, to-morrow; bahmah, by and by; kahmahsheh, not yet; kahyahsekah, instantly; waweeb, immediately. 5. Pahgee, little; ahneenmenik, how much. 6. Koonemah, perhaps; mekahweh, perchance. 7. Kagate, verily; aahe, yes, &c. 8. Kah, no; kahweengahnahga, not at all. 9. Ahneen, how; ahneeshnah, why; ahnahpe, when. 10. Nahwuj, more; kagahkoo, most. OF PREPOSITIONS. Prepositions serve to connect words with one another and to show therelation between them; as, Cazenove angkeojemahjahkezhodt York, he wentfrom Cazenovia to York. List of Prepositions: Pahzhejahye-ee, over; ahnahmahye-ee, under; shepahye-ee, through; ishpeming, above; nesahye-ee, below; keoonjee, from; peoonjee, from; ahwashema, beyond; chegahye-ee, near; negaun, before; Ishquayong, behind; wahsah, off; oogejahye-ee, on or upon; magwaahye-ee, among; ahzheh, after; ahpahgahjeahye-ee, against; ahgahmahye-ee, across; kewetahye-ee, around; nahwahye-ee, amidst; enahkayah, toward, &c. OF CONJUNCTIONS. A Conjunction is a word used to connect sentences, so as out of two tomake one. Conjunctions are of two sorts, the Copulative and the Disjunctive. The following are some of the Conjunctions: _Cop. _ Kiya, and; Kespin, if; Owh, that; nahyanze, both; dushween, then; ahpe, since; mesah, therefore; ahnesh, wherefore. _Dis. _ Atah, but; ahzheh, as; dush, than; koone, though; mahmesahwahwah, unless; kespuge, except; pooch, yet. OF INTERJECTIONS. An Interjection is a word used to express the sudden emotions of thespeaker; as, Tahwah! pemahdezewin nelojegootoge! Alas! I fear for life!O neboowin! Ahneshekewesahgandahmoowin? O death! Where is thy sting? List of Interjections: _Earnestness_ or _Grief_; O! ah! tahwah, alas! _Joy_; Yahhahne! yahhahne! &c. _Wonder_; Mahmahkahdahkahmig, strange! hahe, hah! _Aversion_; Saih! ahwas, away! _Attention_; Nah, hark! Nahbin, behold! _Surprise_ or _Fear_; Ingee! Tauneyohne! yohe! _Laughter_; Ha! ha! ha! _Requesting silence_; Easta, hist! pezahnahbin, silence! _Calling_; ahneene, halloo! _Salutation_; Mequaich, welcome! A FABLE--[Translated from the English. ] OWH WAHGOOSH KIYA EWH MASK. Kegahweendahmoonin kache dahkooahyod ahdesookaun, kecheonesheshehdushweengooh. Wahgoosh ingooding keezhahgoobun haberdashero dahdahwawegahmig. Emahmetahskahkahmig ahyahtanegoobun kache gwahnahjewong mask, keoonjeozhechegahdagoobun ahwegah cheahyood mamahjenood ahpe herongh azheobahkahmegezhejin. Ewh mask egewh mawezhah, meowh ahpe owh ahdesookauntebaindahgowk, ahgwahnahung kahkenah ewh ostegwan dahgooh helmiting, kiya kahwekah mamahjenood ezheoobahkahmegezhese ayahsenenegoon. Mahmahdah wechegawenebun, owhdush ezhechegang kahweendushkedahwahbahdah zhenon ewh odangowh owh wabahkahmegezid, kiya koonemahanahnookewenegwain nahchebahpid or mahwid, ewh mask ahpun ewh nahsobazhenahgowk. Owh wahgoosh kahgezheyaindum, wahjapezeh. Oge quakenon ewh maskmenahwah kiya menahwah. Oge gahnahwahbahdaun emah ahgwahjeeye-ee, kiya gahnahwahbahdaun emah peenjahye-ee. Ewh ahgwahjeeye-ee keche shooshoo ahyahgoobun kiyakegezhechegahdagoobun! Ewh peenjahye-ee webahgoobun. Kagate onesheshinoostegwan ayaug omah, ekedoo owh wahgoosh; kagate mejenahwa yahdahkahmigkahwenaindib ahyahsenoog! Nahnind quahnoj quewesansug ahyahwug kiya equasansug kemahzhehekoogenedwah oowh enaindahmoowod kahween kagoo ohbahbah mahndahsenahwah, ewh atah oobeshegadahgoosewenewah, ahgoonwatahtesuwod kagoochekekadahmoowod medush azhe quakeskahwod enahkahkayah wahwazheowening. Koonemah eneneh odah ahtood ewh onindj emah ostegwahning onowh pazhikkiya tahekedooh kahekedood owh wahgoosh kagate sahquahnoj owh oostegwanomah ayog kagate sah mejenah wayahdahkahmig ahyah senoog ewh wenaindib. Eneneh tahezhah ishpeming, ahyahnzig menoo bemahdezewin, ahyahnzigkechetwahwezewin, ahyahnzig ogemahwewin, ahyahnzig kekenooahmahdewin, ahyahwahsig wejekewayun; kah dushween tahezhahsee ewhety ishpemingahyahwahsig Christ. A man may go to heaven without health, without wealth, without honor, without learning, without friends; but he can never go to heavenwithout Christ. OF THE FORMATION OF WORDS. It is difficult with us to speak the words themselves. --The words_odoon_, _onik_, _okod_, _ozid_, _okun_, do not mean respectively, _mouth_, _arm_, _leg_, _foot_, _bone_; but _his mouth_, _his arm_, _hisleg_, _his foot_, _his bone_. By leaving out the letter _o_ we have thewords _mouth_, _arm_, _&c. _ themselves: thus, _doon_, _nik_, _kod_, _zid_, _kun_. The former is the usual way of speaking, the latter iscorrect. By the following illustration it will be better understood how words areformed: _my_ _thy_ or _your_ _his_ Nindj, _a hand_, nenindj, kenindj, onindj, Nik, _an arm_, nenik, kenik, onik, Doon, _a mouth_, nedoon kedoon, odoon, Bid, _a tooth_, nebid, kebid, owebid, Daih, _a heart_, nedaih, kedaih, odaih, Kown, _a liver_, nekown, kekown, okown, Kun, _a bone_, nekun, kekun, okun, Skunze, _a nail_, neskunze, keskunze, oskunze, Kod, _a leg_, nekod, kekod, okod, Bowm, _a thigh_, nebowm, kebowm, obowm, Dis, _a navel_, nedis, kedis, odis, Pun, _a light_, nepun, kepun, opun, Zid, _a foot_, nezid, kezid, ozid, Yos, _flesh_, neyos, keyos, oweyos, Yowh, _a body_, neyowh, keyowh, oweyowh, Oose, _father_, noose, koose, osun, Gah, _mother_, negah, kegah, ogeen, Siyahn, _brother_, nesiyahn, kesiyahn, osiyayun, Shema, _sister_, neshema, keshema, oshemayun, Tahwug, _an ear_, netahwug, ketahwug, otahwug. VOCABULARY. [Transcriber's Note:The order of entries is as in the original. ] A. Aahe, adv. YesAhbenoojhee, n. A childAhbewin, n. A roomAhnind, adj. SomeAhpe, adv. Then, whenAhkeh, n. The earthAhkeeng, in the earthAhzheh, adv. AfterAhneendeh, adv. Where?Ahyahyun, v. Art thouAhweyah, n. A certain oneAhnung, sing. } n. A starAhnungoog, plu. }Ahyah, v. He is, wasAhneen, adv. How?Ahwon, n. Fog, dew, mistAhsin, n. A stoneAhnewh, n. A bulletAhnahquod, n. A cloudAhnookewin, n. A workAhnemeke, n. ThunderAhkoozewin, n. SicknessAhpahbewin, n. A saddle, or a thing to sit onAhpwahgun, n. A pipeAhnahpe, adv. WhenAhgwahnahung, pt. CoveredAhgwahjeeng, outdoorsAhpequashemoon, n. PillowAhkookoobenahgun, } n. A basket, the latter signifies a vessel to carryAhwahjewahnahgun, } or gather withAhnahmeahwin, n. ReligionAindahnahbid, v. SittethAindahyaun, n. My house or homeAiskum, adv. MoreAnwahchegaid, n. A prophetAmequahn, n. A spoonAtah, conj. ButAhsamah, n. TobaccoAhnahmahkahmig, } under the earth or groundAhnahmahkeeng, }Ahgahming, n. Other sideAhyahmook, v. Receive it, or take itAhshum, v. Feed him, or give him something to eatAhgahwahta, n. A shadowAhwashema, prep. BeyondAhgwewin, n. A garmentAhgookayowh, n. A bait, or something to allure animals to a snareAhgahjewin, n. BashfulnessAhquahnebesohn, n. RainbowAzhenekahdaig, } n. Name of a thing or place. In asking a questionAdahming, } we say what is the name of that thing or place? Ahgwahjeeye-ee, n. OutsideAnahnookewenegwain, business, or it was his businessAnaindahmon, n. Thy willAzheahyog, v. As it isAzhegooh, v. As weAzhemahmahjenoojin, part. Played or actedAhgoonwatahdezoowod, v. They refuseAhyahsenenegoon, when there is none or noAinind, pt. CalledAhwas, adv. AwayAhsub, n. A netAhyog, is hereAhpugn, adv. Always, usually, the sameAhmooh, n. A beeAhmik, n. A beaverAhnim, n. A mean fellowAhnit, n. A spearAhnebeesh, n. A leafAhnwabewin, n. A restAhnahmeawegahmig, n. A church, meeting-house, or praying-houseAhskekoomon, n. LeadAhskahtowhe, n. A skin or hideAsquach, adv. Falsely, vainAhdesookaun, n. Story, fableAhnwahtin, not boisterousAhwebah, n. Or adj. CalmAhkahkahzha, n. CoalAhyegagah, adv. Soon, directlyAhnoodezeh, adv. GreedyAhnowh, prep. ThoughAhtoon, put it downAhneenmenik, adv. How muchAhneendeh, adv. WhereAhneendehnahkayah, adv. Which wayAhnahmahye-ee, prep. UnderAhpahgahjeahye-ee, prep. AgainstAhyahwug, v. There areAhgahmahye-ee, prep. AcrossAhneeshnah, adv. WhyAhdick, n. A rein-deerAhjedahmoo, n. A red squirrelAhsahnahgoo, n. A black squirrelAhgwegoos, n. A chip-monkAhkuckoojeesh, n. A ground-hogAhdoomahkoomasheeh, n. A monkey, which signifies louse catcher or hunterAhnemoosh, n. A dogAasebun, n. A raccoonAayabegoo, n. An antAayanee, n. OpossumAhzhahwahmaig, n. A salmonAhshegun, n. Rock-bassAhgwahdahsheh, n. Sun-fishAhwahsesee, n. Cat-fishAhmahkahkee, n. A toadAhgoonaqua, n. Tree-toadAhndaig, n. A ravenAhshahgeh, n. A craneAhsegenak, n. A black-birdAhjegahdashib, n. Water-henAhsenesekab, n. GravelAhkik, n. A kettleAhbewh, n. A paddleAhzod, n. PoplarAhneshenahbay, n. An Indian manApahgeeshemoog, n. WestAhahwa, n. A species of duckAhwahkaun, n. CattleAhgahwosk, n. GypsumAhshahwask, n. A swordAhgwesemon, n. A pumpkinAhgwejekinzhaegun, n. An and-ironAhskebug, n. A green leafAhgahwahtaown, n. An umbrellaAhdahwaweneneh, n. A merchantAhkahnok, n. A corn-cobAzheshahwask, n. A rifleAhnejemin, n. PeaseAuskig, n. A sealAhgookewahsegun, n. Sealing-waxAhpahgedoon, v. Throw it B. Bakah, v. To stopBahmah, adv. By and byBazhig, adj. OneBahtay, n. SmokeBahgaun, n. A nutBahbegwon, n. A bugleBakahnuk, adj. The otherBahnahjetoon, v. Destroy itBahtahzewin, n. SinBahgundahegawegahmig, n. A barn, or a house to thresh grain inBewegahegun, n. A chipBemahdezewin, n. LifeBeezhahyaun, v. If I comeBemoosain, v. To walkBewahbik, n. IronBedoon, v. Bring it, or fetch itBenetoon, v. Clean itBoodahwahgun, n. Chimney, fire-placeBewuyh, n. Fur C. Chegahye-ee, prep. NearCheahnwabing, v. To restCheshahdahegun, n. Broom, sweeping instrumentChepahping, pt. LaughingChebwah, prep. BeforeChebuyh, n. A corpse, dead bodyChemaun, n. A boat, a canoeChemenewung, v. To yield fruitChese, n. A turnipChahchaum, v. To sneezeCheahyong, v. To be D. Dush, conj. ButDushween, adv. Then, there. Weendush, and he; owhdush, and the; medush, and then; egewhdush, and theyDoombenon, v. To liftDoon, n. A mouthDahdahwawegahnig, n. A store or shopDanguyh, n. The face E. Eneneh, n. A manEnenewug, n. MenEqua, n. A womanEquawug, n. WomenEquasance, n. A girl, or little womanEmeh, adv. There (near, )--sometimes means, into, or in theEwhety, adv. There (distant, ) in that placeEgewh, pro. ThemEnah! int. Hark! see!Enewh, pro. TheseEzhah, v. To goEwh, a. TheEskooday, n. FireEsquache, adj. LastEzhahdah, v. Let us goEsquahdaim, n. A doorEnaindahmoowin, n. Mind, thought, willEkedoowin, n. A wordEebahdun, n. ButterEnenahbik, n. A rockEnenahtig, n. A maple-treeEzhechegaid, n. Means or mannerEkedooh, v. To say, or he saidEnahkayah, prep. TowardsEwedehnahkayah, adv. That wayEnaindahming, pt. ThinkingEquah, n. A louse. H. How, v. Let usHah! int. The same as Ha! in English. I. Ishpeming, n. Heaven, or aboveInggoojhee, adv. SomewhereIngoodwahsweh, adj. SixIshpemesahgoong, n. ChamberIngoodwak, adj. One hundredInggooding, adv. OnceInggwahekaun, n. The graveInnoozoowahgun, n. A name-sakeIngee! int. This word is used by children when they are afraid of something that is largeInggoodoogunze, n. A cluster of fruit. K. Keshamunedoo, n. Merciful Spirit or BeingKechemunedoo, n. God, or Great Good SpiritKecheahjechaugk, n. Great Holy SpiritKecheogemah, n. King, or great ChiefKedemahganemeshin, have mercy on meKegekaindaun, v. Thou knowestKechegahmeh, n. A lakeKegezhaib, n. The morningKetegahnans, n. A gardenKedahyah, v. Thou artKedahyaum, v. You areKe-ne-nah? Is it you?Kahween, adv. No sir, no, noKah, adv. NoKeen, pro. You, or thouKoosay, n. Sing. Your fatherKoone, n. SnowKezis, n. The sunKiya, conj. AndKegwis, n. Your sonKegah, n. Your motherKetegaun, n. A fieldKahkenah, adj. All, wholeKoosenon, n. Our fatherKoosewah, n. Pl. Your fatherKoosemah, v. May, mightKahgequawin, n. LawKahbabeboon, all winterKahbanebin, all summerKahgenig, adv. ForeverKahwekah, adv. NeverKagooshish, n. SomethingKebemoosay, v. He walkedKedaun, n. Your daughterKezheguk, n. DayKezhik, n. SkyKahweenegoojee, adv. NowhereKegedoon, v. To speak, (in the imperative mood. )Ke-ekedooh, v. He saidKedenin, I tell youKeskeezhik, n. Your eyeKooskoozin, v. To awakeKespin, conj. IfKesenah, adj. ColdKagooh, shall notKeche, adj. GreatKechauze, n. Your noseKetegaweneneh, n. A husbandmanKeskejewahyaun, n. A waist-coatKewadenoong, n. NorthKekewaown, n. A flagKagate, adv. Truly, verilyKoondun, v. Swallow itKahmahsheh, adv. Not yetKahskahdin, v. To congeal, to freezeKagooween, you shall not, or thou shall notKagebahdezid, n. A foolKenebood, pt. DiedKategang, v. To sow or plantKeskahkezhegang, v. To reapKahgega, adj. EternalKazhedin, adv. ImmediatelyKeahgoonwatum, v. He deniedKetezeh, } adj. OldKekahe, }Kegaung, n. A virginKegowh, n. A fishKeskemon, n. A whet-stoneKeskeboojegun, n. A sawKechepezoon, n. A girdle, a sash, a beltKebeshang, adj. DeafKepahgah, adj. ThickKebesquang, adj. HoarseKesahgehenah? Do you love me?Kenahweskewin, n. FalsehoodKashahweahyah, adj. LooseKondahegwahsowin, n. Thimble, an instrument used to push with in sewingKahyahtenewaid, n. A mid-wifeKahezhewabuk, it was soKekenahwahjechegun, n. A sign or markKegedooweneneh, n. A speaker or lawyerKahgahgewinze, n. HemlockKahgahgeh, n. Wind-pipeKekindewin, n. A covenantKezebegahegahnahboo, n. Soap sudsKahskahkoonegun, n. Corn-cribKahskahegun, n. A scraperKoozhe, n. A beakKoonekahdin, n. Frost, snowKechemekun, n. A high-wayKagah, adv. MostlyKahweengagoo, n. NothingKegahweendahmoon, I will tell youKahgequaweneneh, n. An exhorter, or preacherKegowhyekaweneneh, n. A fishermanKekaindahmoowad, v. To learn, to knowKahgahnahga, do notKemahzeh, adv. BadlyKegezhechegahdagoobun, pt. CompletedKahgezheyaindum, adj. SagaciousKagahgoo, adv. AlmostKahyask, n. A gullKahgahgehshee, n. A crowKookoosh, n. A hogKookookoo-ooh, n. An owlKenoozha, n. A pikeKewetahye-ee, prep. AroundKedahgahbezhew, n. A wild-catKaugk, n. A porcupineKahgebahdezewin, n. FoolishnessKeskekechegun, n. A partition M. Mahnedoo, n. A spiritMahjahn, v. March onMahzhenahegun, n. A book, paper, &c. Mahjemunedoo, n. An evil spirit, or the devilMahzhenenee, n. An imageMahskemoodance, n. SatchelMahkahday, n. Powder, or blackMegwon, n. A feather, quillMekun, n. A roadMejim, n. FoodMezhusk, n. Hay, weed, grassMenesis, n. Hair, of the headMequom, n. IceMetig, n. A treeMesheh, n. Fire-woodMetigmahkuk, n. A trunkMeowh, only, the one to whoseMinjemeneshin, v. Hold meMetigmahkezin, n. Shoe, or wooden shoeMe-ewhmenek, it is enoughMahdwayahbegahegun, n. A fiddle, or a sonorific instrument, whose strings are capable of vibratingMegezeh, n. An eagleMoozhuk, adv. OftenMookoomon, n. A knifeMoozwahgun, n. ScissorsMenookahmeh, n. Spring, a season of the yearMenahwahzeh, adj. CheerfulMequamdun, v. Remember itMezhenahwa, n. A discipleMahkundwaweneneh, n. A robberMahmahweh, adv. TogetherMezheshenom, v. Give usMesquagin, n. PurpleMahkahdaeneneh, n. A black manMahkahdaequa, n. A black womanMawezhah, adv. Anciently, long agoMetegwob, n. A bowMoskin, n. FullMahdwawa, n. A soundMenoodahchin, adv. EnoughMenekaun, n. SeedMenequang, v. To drinkMahskoosen, n. A marsh, a bog, a fenMamangwah, n. A butterflyMahskeeg, n. A swampMahmahjenoowin, n. MiracleMahnahtaneseweneneh, n. A shepherdMahskahwezewin, strengthMahjetong, v. To beginMahkuk, n. A pail, or boxMahkahkoosug, n. A barrelMegahzooweneneh, n. A soldier, a man of war, or a fighting manMahmahkahdezing, v. To boastMegoos, n. An awlMenis, n. An islandMahwewin, v. To cryMemenik, v. Be quietMahskekeh, n. MedicineMahnedoosh, n. An insect, a wormMahbah, this oneMesahkoodoonahgun, n. Beard, the hair that grows on the lips and chinMondahmin, n. CornMechekahnok, n. A fenceMetegoominzhe, n. An oakMahskooda, n. Plains, flats, or level groundMahgeahyah, adj. BigMahgoobedoong, v. To squeezeMayahgezid, n. A strangerMenahwah, adv. Again, more and moreMamahjenoojin, v. He playedMetahskahkahmig, n. The ground, or on the groundMenoomenik, adj. SufficientMamahjenood, n. An actorMagwaahye-ee, prep. AmongMahnahtanis, n. A sheepMeshebezhee, n. A lionMahengun, n. A wolfMesahbooze, n. A goatMahquah, n. A bearMoaze, n. A mooseMahskoodaysay, n. A quailMahnoomenekashee, n. A mud-henMezhesay, n. A turkeyMesahmaig, n. A whaleMahzhahmagoos, n. TroutMahnoomin, n. RiceMezheh, adv. EverywhereMagwah, adv. WhileManmooyahwahgaindahmoowin, n. ThankfulnessMeshejemin, n. A currant, (fruit)Mahzahn, n. A thistleMahjegooday, n. A petticoatMenekahnekah, adv. SeedyMejenahwayahdahkahmig, n. PityMahmahdahwechegawenebun, it was a strange customMenesenoo, n. A heroMesquahsin, n. Brick, which signifies, red stoneMesahowh, that isMoosay, n. A wormMoong, n. A loonMeene, n. A kind of fruitMahjekewis, adj. The eldestMeskoodesemin, n. A beanMategwahkezinekaid, n. A shoe-makerMenahwenahgowd, v. Look pleasantMeneweyook, v. Be fruitfulMegeskun, n. A hookMezesok, n. A horse-flyMahwahdooskahegun, n. A rakeMookoojegun, n. A plane, or drawing-knifeMahskemood, n. A bagMoonegwana, n. A meadow-larkMeshawa, n. An elkMahskekeweneneh, n. A physician. N. Nebahgun, n. A bed, a place to sleep onNewewesin, I want to eatNonggon, adj. LightNee, } pro. I, me, myNe, }Negah, n. My motherNeezhe, adj. TwoNesweh, adj. ThreeNewin, adj. FourNahnun, adj. FiveNewob, v. I seeNoongoom, adv. NowNahgudge, adv. Little whileNedaih, n. My heartNekod, n. My legNoodin, n. WindNahdin, v. Go and fetch itNezid, n. My footNagowh, n. SandNoodosh, adj. LeastNeenatah, but me, only meNezhekaih, adj. AloneNetum, adj. FirstNegaun, prep. BeforeNahpahna, n. FlourNahsahkoonun, open itNebahkahda, I am hungryNahbahgesug, n. A boardNahgahmoowin, n. A hymn, or a songNahme-eding, pt. MeetingNahongahnik, n. A maidNahwahye-ee, n. DiameterNejekewa, n. A comradeNejee, n. A friendNanahdahwe-ewaid, n. A saviourNahbequon, n. A vessel, a shipNahbequahneshee, n. A sailor, or a man that sails or attends shipsNebewah, n. ManyNahboob, n. SoupNeweahyahwah, I want himNasawin, n. BreathNedezedaahe, v. I dareNahzequaegun, n. A curry-combNekebee, covered with water, or overflowedNayob, back againNahgowh, n. A sleeveNedenaindum, v. I thinkNahwahquay, n. The middle of the day, noonNeskahdezewin, n. AngerNasagwahbedaoonance, n. A pin, which signifies to prick withNegekaindaun, v. I knowNebwahkahwin, n. WisdomNewahwezhandum, v. I am gladNahmahdahbin, v. Sit thouNahmahdahbing, v. To sitNoodahgoozing, pt. RoaringNedekedoowin, my wordNegetim, I am lazyNezheka, adv. ApartNesahye-ee, adv. DownNegaunnahkayah, adv. ForwardNesahye-ee, prep. BelowNahwahye-ee, prep. AmidstNahmaih, n. A sturgeonNahmabin, n. MulletNekah, n. A wild gooseNahkayah, n. A wayNebeh, n. WaterNebeeng, In the water O. Ogemah, n. A chiefOojechog, n. A soulOondaus, v. To comeOmah, adv. HereOwh, a. TheOowh, pro. ThisOogooh, pro. Those, theirOogemekaun, he found itOogeoozhetoon, he made itOodahpenun, take itOonekig, n. A parentOopegagun, n. A ribOpequoj, n. An air-bladderOonzegun, n. A boiler, or a kettleOodanggowh, n. His face, --[_for an explanation of this and several of the following words, see page 21_] [Transcriber's Note: See section "Formation of Words, " immediately before Vocabulary list. ] Oochauze, n. His noseOodoon, n. His mouthOnowh, n. His cheekOstegawn, n. His headOskezhizk, n. His eyeOmahmowh, n. EyebrowOdanegoom, n. NostrilOdaih, n. HeartOnik, n. ArmOtahwug, n. EarOkod, n. LegOzid, n. FootOnoogun, n. HipOnindj, n. HandOjetud, n. TendonOquagun, n. NeckOpequon, n. BackObowm, n. ThighOkahkegun, n. BreastOzhebeenguyh, n. TearOmesud, n. PaunchOdoosquahyob, n. VeinOkun, n. BoneOdaewaun, n. Their heartOskunze, n. Nail of the finger and the hoof of a horse, or all kinds of hoofsOdaun, n. DaughterOotanowh, n. Town, city, village, however we say kecheotanowh for great town or city, by adding nance, it means small town or villageOdataig, n. Gills of a fishOnejegun, n. Fin of a fishOzhegown, n. Tail of a fishOkodahkik, n. A pot, a kettle that has legs, or a leg-kettleOozaum, adv. Too muchOogee, pro. HeOpin, n. A potatoeObewuyh, n. FurOmemee, n. A pigeonOnegwegun, n. A wingOskenahway, n. A youth, a young manOdahbaun, n. A sledOngwahmezin, be ye faithfulOogaah, n. PickerelOgejebeeg, surface of the waterOzhahwahnoong, n. SouthOkayahwis, n. HerringOojeeg, n. A fisherOgah, n. MotherOose, n. FatherOpecheh, n. A robinOnesheshid, a clever oneOokoozhe, n. A beakOskezegookahjegun, n. SpectacleOnahgooshig, n. The eveningOkahquon, n. ShinOgeeozheaun, he made themOgeeozhetoon, he made itOskunzhekahjegun, n. A horse-shoeOombahquahegun, n. A lever P. Pabahmahjemood, n. A messengerPoonahkunjegun, n. AnchorPookedoonze, n. A pearPahdahkemoojeskahjegun, n. A spurPewakoodahmahgun, n. ShavingsPahketaegun, n. A hammerPemenegun, n. A gimlet, an augerPenahquahn, n. A combPezhekeence, n. A calfPesahkahmegeboojegun, n. A harrowPequahegun, n. A hillPabahbahgahne, n. A pancakePazhegwahnoong, one placePanggwon, adj. DryPahquonge, n. A stumpPahgasaun, n. A plumPahpenadumoowin, n. HappinessPahquazhegun, n. BreadPahskezegun, n. A gunPahquazhegunush, n. WheatPahnezid, adj. HolyPazhegoogahzhee, n. A horse or an animal not cloven-footedPashebeegun, n. A rulePeshegaindahgoozewin, n. GloryPepoon, n. WinterPezahneewawin, n. PeacePahzegween, v. To arisePenasewug, n. FowlsPewahbum, v. Come and see himPewahbundun, v. Come and see itPajeewe, adj. WeakPesahgeskebik, n. DarknessPesekun, put it onPeenzekahwahgun, n. A coat or loose garmentPahwahbekezegun, n. A stove or an iron box that is capable of being warmed throughPahzhejeahje-ee, prep. OverPeendahgun, n. A pocket or pouchPeendig, n. InsidePaquahkoostegowng, block-headedPequahquod, n. A ball or knotPoodahwain, make firePoodahjegun, n. A musical or blowing instrumentPookedaemin, n. A mandrakePahmetahgun, n. A servantPahbegwah, adj. RoughPahquahskezhegun, n. A scythePapahmebahegood, n. A rider, a name for a dragoonPamahdezid, the livingPahsquagin, n. LeatherPahbahgewahyaun, n. A shirt, calicoPengwahshahgid, adj. NakedPezindun, v. To hear, to listenPinggweh, n. AshesPungee, adj. Little, not enoughPeendegaye-ee, prep. WithinPegwih, n. Gum, waxPemeday, n. Oil, greasePequok, n. An arrowPooch, v. MustPahkahahquay, n. A cock, --this bird has derived its name from its crowing; so nearly all birdsPahpahsay, n. A wood-pecker; this, from its peckingPenaih, n. A partridgePahkaunnahkayah, adv. Another way Q. Quatahmegwaindahgoozid, n. The AlmightyQuewesance, n. A boyQuahnoj, adj. GoodQuakenun, turn it overQuesqueshin, n. A whistleQuahbahegun, n. A shovelQuahnahjewun, adj. HandsomeQuaich, adj. TenthQuiyuk, adv. Straight, rightQuaichegooh, just as S. Shahgooda-a, n. A cowardShahwanemeshin, bless meShewetahgun, n. SaltShahwemin, n. A grapeShemahgun, n. A shieldShooneyah, n. Silver, moneyShenganedewin, n. HatredSahnahgud, adj. DifficultSahkahown, n. A caneSanahbanh, n. Silk, or ribinSasahbob, n. A rope, threadShongahswak, adj. Nine hundredShewahbik, n. Alum, or iron of an acid tasteShewon, adj. SourShonggahsweh, adj. NineSebeeh, n. A riverSebeeng, in the riverShegah, n. A widowShinggwok, n. A pine treeShahgahnosh, a white manShinggoos, n. A weaselShonggwasheh, n. A minkShepahye-ee, prep. ThroughShegog, n. A skunkShesheeb, n. A duckSahgahquahegun, n. A nailShegwanahbik, n. A grind-stoneShegwanahwis, n. Fish-wormShesheeb-ahkik, n. A tea-kettle; (see shesheeb and ahkik, )Sahgedoonabejegun, n. A bridleSahgahegun, n. A screwShegahgahwinze, n. An onionShahboonegaunce, n. A needle, it signifies to pull or push through T. Tahnahgwud, v. AppearTedebawe, n. The shoreTebahegezeswon, n. A watch or clockTabanegaid, n. LordTabahkoonewaid, n. A judge or rulerTebahkoonegawin, n. JudgmentTabwayaindahmoowin, n. A creedTakoonewaid, n. A constableTabwawin, n. TruthTahbeskooch, v. To equalTahweahyah, n. SpaceTabwatun, v. Believe thouTebahegun, n. A measure; by adding ce, we have, cupToodooshahboo, n. MilkTawaegun, n. A drum; (see mahdwayahbegahegun, )Tegowh, n. A waveTebik, n. NightTahgah, v. To letTahwah, int. Alas! U. Undoom, call himUmba, come and let us go W. Wah, pro. WhatWahwon, n. An eggWeyos, n. Flesh, meatWebid, n. A toothWeen, pro. HimWewon, his wifeWaquain, pro. WhoeverWewahquon, n. A hatWahbegun, n. ClayWahsayah, n. LightWagoonan, what is it?Wekah, long beforeWahbemin, n. An appleWeendun, tell itWanain, who is it?Weyowh, n. A bodyWahjewh, n. A mountain or hillWahowh, pro. ThisWenegun, n. MarrowWenesis, n. HairWanankeen, who art thou?Wesabgun, adj. BitterWagoosing, n. The sonWahbeda, v. To ripenWenin, n. FatWahnekaun, n. A ditchWahbezewin, n. PalenessWeenzhoob, n. GallWenud, adj. DirtyWahwahbegoonojhee, n. A mouseWahsahkoonajegun, n. A candle, or a thing that produces lightWahsachegun, n. A windowWahbahnahnug, n. The morning-starWahsahmoowin, n. LightningWesenewagun, n. A table, or something to eat onWegewaum, n. A houseWetookahweshin, help meWetoopahmeshin, eat with meWanepuzhe, adv. FreelyWahyaskud, in the beginningWeendahmahweshin, tell meWahgedahkahmig, on landWawaneh, thank youWahsahgung, n. Pepper, or a bitter substanceWahskoobung, adj. SweetWekahnesun, his brotherWahwazhetaun, v. Prepare thouWahnahgak, n. BarkWahbemoojechaugown, n. A looking-glass; something used to see the image inWeendegooh, n. A giantWeyahgahsahne, n. DustWedookoodahdedah, let us help each otherWequajeoong, v. To struggleWenaindib, n. BrainsWahbezhasheh, n. A martinWahwahskasheh, n. A deerWahwahtaseh, n. A lightning-bugWahwahyayah, adj. RoundWahgoosh, n. A foxWahnesquazewin, n. CarelessnessWahgahquod, n. An axeWahbahbik, n. TinWahbejeskezhegwa, adj. Wall-eyedWob, v. To seeWahzeswon, n. A nestWahbooyon, n. A blanketWahnechega, v. To misdoWahnewenon, v. To misleadWahbemenahboo, n. CiderWesahgok, n. AshWegwos, n. Birch tree, and its barkWegoobeminze, n. Bass-woodWak, n. Spawn Z. Zhahwanedewin, n. LoveZahzahgewejegun, n. An offeringZagezewin, v. To fearZegahundahgawin, n. BaptismZhahgemaih, n. A musketoeZheezebahquod, n. Sugar. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Errors and anomalies Spelling Book: Words of four syllables accented on the sixth. _text unchanged_kah-pah-ke-te-nah-mah-we-yongk _text has space after -te- _ Grammar Book: Nestahnah ahshepachick _spelling as in original_necessarily implies an agent and an object acted upon _text reads "an abject"_ [Fable]quakeskahwod enahkahkayah wahwazheowening _text reads enahka/yah at line break_ [Vocabulary List]Mahnedoo, n. A spirit _text reads "s spirit"_Mahdwayahbegahegun, n. A fiddle, or a sonorific instrument, whose strings are capable of vibrating _text reads "cabable"_Nasagwahbedaoonance, n. A pin, which signifies to prick with _text reads "signifiies"_