Famous «Baba Booey" gives an interview

News cover Famous «Baba Booey" gives an interview
24 Nov 2010 01:57:53 In a recent interview, Dell'Abate talked about his book, growing up in a dysfunctional family, and life after "The Howard Stern Show," which airs on Sirius XM Radio Inc.
The Associated Press: You write about your mother suffering from mental illness and your brother dying of AIDS. Was it difficult or easy to share this with the public?
Dell'Abate: Originally, I'd been pitching around a different kind of book. Baba Booey's book of rock and roll lists, stuff like that. My book agent said, "I could sell a different kind of a book more. What's your story?" And I said, "I don't have a story." And he said, "Everybody's got a story." When he said "what's your story?" I knew exactly what he meant, but my initial reaction was, "I'm not telling that story." ... I talked to my family and came to terms with it on a personal level first.
AP: Was it cathartic writing the book?
Dell'Abate: Everybody should write a book whether you get it published or not because the experience of sort of taking it all and throwing it down on paper is unbelievably cathartic.
AP: How did growing up with a mother whose moods fluctuate affect you?
Dell'Abate: It made me resilient. It gave me the ability to withstand a lot of abuse, and every day when I came home, I didn't know what I was gonna get when I turned the doorknob. That sounds a lot like when I go into the studio every day. I'm ready for anything. I always had to think ahead. When I got home from school, I never knew which mood of my mom was gonna be on the other side of the door. That's very good preparation if you want to be a producer.
AP: Do you think everybody has a crazy family in one way or another?
Dell'Abate: Oh my god, absolutely. I was surprised by how many people who read the book so far have come to me and identified with it (in some way).
AP: Will you write another book?
Dell'Abate: I still think I have another book in me. I have a lot of essays and lists.
AP: What will you do if Howard Stern leaves Sirius XM?
Dell'Abate: We're all waiting to see what happens. ... A year or so ago I started meeting with different producers ... to sort of pick their brains. ... I met with one producer who said, "There's no doubt in my mind that you'll have no problem working (somewhere else). My fear for you is you'll never find another job that you love as much as this one." That bummed me out.
AP: Do you feel like you have the greatest job in the world?
Dell'Abate: I really do. I'm working with a talent that comes along once in a generation. ... I still want to work with somebody that I believe in that's fun.

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