
News cover News about Salman Rushdie
News about Salman Rushdie 01 Oct 2010 03:41:24 Novelist Salman Rushdie has slammed the chaotic preparations for the Delhi Commonwealth Gamesas a "great humiliation" and recommended a "severe spanking" for a leading official. "It's been a great humiliation for us all," the award-winning author of Midnight's Children told India's NDTV television network in an interview from New York. "I feel very embarrassed by it and I'm sure many, many people in India feel the same way." The Games, which open on Sunday, had teetered on the brink of collap... Read Full Story
News cover Troubles with famous producer Jimmy Carter
Troubles with famous producer Jimmy Carter 01 Oct 2010 03:39:11 In a string of recent appearances, Carter has called for the United States to seek better ties with Iran and North Korea, criticized what he sees as Israel's unwillingness to make peace and staunchly backed Muslims' right to build a community center near the former World Trade Center. The 39th president has reserved his most stinging criticism for Fox News, accusing the widely watched channel run by Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. of fanning polarization and hostility toward Obama. "A lot of gulli... Read Full Story
News cover This is story about one manuscript rare
This is story about one manuscript rare 01 Oct 2010 03:36:43 In 1939, about 5,000 copies of a book offering hopeless drunks a spiritual path to recovery through 12 steps were released by a fledgling fellowship of alcoholics. They called it "Alcoholics Anonymous: The Story of How More Than One Hundred Men Have Recovered From Alcoholism." Sales were dismal at first, but interest picked up in 1941 with help from a story in The Saturday Evening Post and grew into a recovery revolution for everybody from over-eaters and the over-sexed to gamblers and shopaho... Read Full Story
News cover Famous author   Marlo Thomas with her new book "Growing Up Laughing: My Story and the Story of Funny"
Famous author Marlo Thomas with her new book "Growing Up Laughing: My Story and the Story of Funny" 30 Sep 2010 02:58:32 This story started with her father, Danny Thomas, who made Americans laugh for decades as a nightclub performer and actor ("Make Room for Daddy"). Then there are the houseguests. You know, the fellas who dropped by her Southern California house when Marlo was a girl. Guys like Milton Berle, Sid Caesar and Red Skelton. Thomas recounts her laugh-filled childhood — and beyond — in "Growing Up Laughing: My Story and the Story of Funny." She takes the reader not only through her younger years, but ... Read Full Story
News cover "The Truth-Teller's Lie"   by Sophie Hannah
"The Truth-Teller's Lie" by Sophie Hannah 30 Sep 2010 02:56:02 One of the more disturbing stories about serial rape (and they're all disturbing, so this means something), "The Truth-Teller's Lie" centers on Naomi Jenkins, a woman who had been raped by a stranger three years ago and never told a soul; not the police, not her best friend. Now Naomi has another secret; for the past year she's had a weekly tryst with her married lover, Robert Haworth. They meet in the same motel room at the same time every week, so when Robert fails to show up one night, Naomi... Read Full Story
News cover "Naked Heat" is  about naked people from Richard Castle
"Naked Heat" is about naked people from Richard Castle 30 Sep 2010 02:54:55 The murder of a gossip columnist with dirt on practically everyone forces homicide detective Nikki Heat to work with journalist and former boyfriend Jameson Rook in "Naked Heat," Richard Castle's latest mystery. When Heat and her team arrive at the murder scene to start the investigation, she is shocked to see Rook is already there. She hasn't seen him since he wrote an article about her, turning her into the latest celebrity icon. Rook was working on a story on the victim, Cassidy Towne, and ... Read Full Story
News cover Story called "The Shadow Woman"  from Ake Edwardson
Story called "The Shadow Woman" from Ake Edwardson 29 Sep 2010 10:10:54 It's an unbearably hot August in Gothenburg, Sweden, and the bacchanalian Gothenburg Party (an annual outdoor festival filled with concerts) is in full swing, although attendees aren't filled with revelry and joy. Alcohol levels and racial tensions are both extremely high, and a police officer named Aneta Djanali is assaulted, her jaw smashed to bits. This is but a subplot in Ake Edwardson's "The Shadow Woman," and as such, it provides a psychologically dark backdrop for the main story, which ... Read Full Story
News cover "Duck Soup"  from Roy Blount Jr
"Duck Soup" from Roy Blount Jr 29 Sep 2010 10:10:07 "Hail, Hail, Euphoria!" by Roy Blount Jr. represents the veteran humorist's stab at providing a running commentary on "Duck Soup" as he watches the movie on his monitor, offering a bunch of side stories along the way. It's not really film criticism. This slim book has a more modest goal of being a witty, idiosyncratic companion to people watching the movie. By the time they started filming "Duck Soup," Groucho, Harpo and Chico were in their 40s with successful careers in vaudeville and Broadway... Read Full Story
News cover If you want to know how it was, the Lincoln’s election and so on from Douglas R. Egerton
If you want to know how it was, the Lincoln’s election and so on from Douglas R. Egerton 29 Sep 2010 10:09:32 It was in the spring of 1860, an election year just a century and a half ago, that East Coast voters began talking about a dark horse — a middle-aged lawyer from Illinois. His only experience in national politics was one term in the House of Representatives. He was such a dark horse that even people deep in public affairs like feminist Susan B. Anthony kept misspelling his name as "Abram" Lincoln. She thought he'd make a good president, though. She told a group of uniformed young Republicans ... Read Full Story
News cover Psychiatrist  work from Dr. Gary Small and Gigi Vorgan   "The Naked Lady Who Stood on Her”
Psychiatrist work from Dr. Gary Small and Gigi Vorgan "The Naked Lady Who Stood on Her” 28 Sep 2010 03:00:08 In "The Naked Lady Who Stood on Her Head," Dr. Gary Small delivers on his promise with some fascinating tales (though some cases he writes about, including the naked woman, are less interesting than others). Apart from describing the patients, Small details his own puzzlements as the cases proceed, giving a look at both sides of the chess match as he and his patients deal with each other. Sometimes he finds out his patients have been deceiving him, and sometimes he discovers the real problem is... Read Full Story
News cover All secrets and stories from couple Giuliana and Bill Rancic
All secrets and stories from couple Giuliana and Bill Rancic 28 Sep 2010 02:57:47 Their stories are honest and personal. Giuliana cops to lying about her age when she first met Bill so he would think she was 29. (She was 31.) She also acknowledges that she regifted a free iPod as an anniversary gift. Bill, who has a keen business sense and knows how to negotiate a deal, had to learn finesse when dealing with theentertainment industry. "I Do, Now What?" makes readers think about what they want, expect and need from a relationship. The book also serves as a reminder that respe... Read Full Story
News cover The most significant  work from    Ken Follett  the trilogy "Fall of Giants”
The most significant work from Ken Follett the trilogy "Fall of Giants” 28 Sep 2010 02:54:48 Thirst novel from Ken Follett’s was "The Pillars of the Earth," and its 2007 sequel, "World Without End," Follett's latest work is epic in scale, meticulously researched and deftly weaves together historical fact, fictional characters and engrossing storytelling. It begins in South Wales on Billy Williams' 13th birthday — his first day following his father into the coal mines where he begins his life as an apprentice collier. And it ends with a sort of reversal of fortune as Billy proclai... Read Full Story

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