CHAPTER I.PECULIAR RESPONSIBILITIES OF AMERICAN WOMEN.American Women should feel a peculiar Interest in DemocraticInstitutions. The Maxim of our Civil Institutions. Its Identitywith the main Principle of Christianity. Relations involvingSubordination; why they are needful. Examples. How these Relationsare decided in a Democracy. What decides the Equity of any Law orInstitution. The Principle of Aristocracy. The Tendency ofDemocracy in Respect to the Interests of Women. Illustrated in theUnited States. Testimony of De Tocqueville. Miss Martineau'sMisrepresentations. In what Respects are Women subordinate? andwhy? Wherein are they equal or superior in Influence? and how arethey placed by Courtesy? How can American Women rectify any realDisadvantages involved in our Civil Institutions? Opinion of DeTocqueville as to the Influence and Example of American Democracy.Responsibilities involved in this View, especially those ofAmerican Women, --This text refers to the Kindle Edition edition.