British. Edward Gibbon: Queen Zenobia; The Goths in Rome. Sir William Napier: The battle of Coruña; The British soldier. Lord Macaulay: Lord Halifax. George Grote: Sokrates, his death; The adorning of Athens under Perikles. Thomas Carlyle: The storming of the Bastille; Charlotte Corday. James Anthony Froude: The Spanish Armade; The coronation procession of Anne Boleyn. Mendell Creighton: The flight of John XXIII from Constance; The trial of Hus, its fairness. Lord Acton: The rise and fall of the Mexican Empire; The massacre of St. Bartholomew. Thomas Hodgkin: A banquet at Attila's palace; Charles the Great, his coronation.- American. William Hickling Prescott: Hernando Cortes, Conqueror of Mexico. John Lothrop Motley: The relief of Leyden.- French. Jules Michelet: The opening of the Estates-General.- German. Theodor Mommsen: The peace between Rome and Carthage.- Italian. Guglielmo Ferraro: Cleopatra, her imperial policy; Caesar.- Classical. Thucydides: The escape by night of the Plataeans. Tacitus: Vespasian. Arminius - the German Hero.- What is history? A short essay 26