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From the Editors
Charles Kevin Stuart, Gerald Roche, and Tshe dbang rdo rje
Amdo Tibetan Tongue Twisters
Blo rtan rdo rje, Charles Kevin Stuart, and Gerald Roche
An Amdo Tibetan Village New Year Trance Medium Ritual
Dpal ldan bkra shis and Charles Kevin Stuart
Calling Back the Lost nam zi Tibetan Soul
Libu Lakhi, Charles Kevin Stuart, and Gerald Roche
Dying Hunters, Poison Plants, and Mute Slaves: Nature and Tradition in Contemporary Nuosu Yi Poetry
Mark Bender
The Ersu Shaba Pictographic Writing System
Sun Hongkai [translated by Mtsho mo skyid and Gerald Roche with an introduction by Thomas Roche and Gerald Roche]
The Fourth Belmang: Bodhisattva, Estate Lord, Tibetan Militia Leader, and Chinese Government Official
Paul K Nietupski
The Horse With Two Saddles: Tamxhwe in Modern Golok
Fernanda Pirie
Seating, Money, and Food at an Amdo Village Funeral
Rin chen rdo rje and Charles Kevin Stuart
The Seng ze Village Ma Ni
Dkon mchog dge legs and Charles Kevin Stuart
Tibetan Life and Tibetological Discourse: Differences and Recommendations
Gerald Roche, Nag tshang grub rgyal, and Mtsho mo skyid
A Response to Ways and the Syntax of Noun Phrases in Qinghai Chinese Dialects
Keith Dede
Photo Essay to Essay: Lazi (Lab rtse) Construction in Karmatang (Skar ma thang) Village
Tshe mdo
Review: Wutun by J Janhunen, M Peltomaa, E Sandman, and Xiawudongzhuo
Keith Slater
Story: God-door
Tshe dpag rnam rgyal
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