For decades, activists and civil society concerned with how tourism develops have been influencing the agenda for tourism to be equitable, sustainable and non-exploitative. This has been done through struggles on the ground, interventions in critical national, regional and global spaces, and solidarity actions. Most of the struggles, particularly those in the global south, have been around the resistance to corporate globalization and corporate impunity, reclaiming the commons, protesting the violence and exploitation that accompany the push for certain kinds of mass-tourism and upholding the values of dialogue, dignity, participation, democratization and self-determination. These campaigns and struggles have forced policy makers, governments and the industry to acknowledge the many problems attributable to the irresponsible growth of tourism. While we do not recount these efforts in this paper, they provide the backdrop and the inspiration for the renewed demand to policy makers and industry âTransform Tourism!
Publisher: Equitable Tourism Options (EQUATIONS)
[email protected], +91.80.25457607