This is a Book on all the major Frequently Asked Questions about the Catholic Faith.
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Get the answers to those tough Questions like:
Why do Catholics heap up empty phrases and vain repetitions in their prayers?
Why do Catholics Worship Mary?
Why do Catholics Pray to Mary and the Saints?
Why do Catholics Believe in a Place Between Heaven and Hell Called "Purgatory"?
Why do Catholics Confess their Sins to a Priest?
By What Authority does the Pope Rule Over the Catholic Church?
Why Does the Catholic Bible have more Books than the Protestant Bible?
When did the Church established by Jesus Christ get the name Catholic?
What must I do to be saved?
Aren't all those statues in the Catholic Church the same as worshipping graven images?
Why do Catholics submit to the authority of the Catholic Church and believe the Pope
to be infallible?
How can Catholics believe in so many things that aren't in the Bible?
What do Catholics believe about the Virgin Mary? Why is she considered so important
to Christianity?
Why do Catholics believe Mary was a virgin throughout her entire life? Doesn't the
Bible say Jesus was her "firstborn" and talk about Jesus' "brothers"?
Why do Catholics believe the Eucharist is the true Body and Blood of Christ?
Why do Catholics believe artificial birth control is immoral?
Are Catholics permitted to engage in sexual activity before marriage?
Why do Catholics pray to saints instead of praying directly to God?
Why do Catholics go to a priest to confess their sins when they can just confess directly
to Jesus?
Why do Catholics baptize babies?
Courtesy of the Sts. Peter and Paul Catechism Ministry - Ghana.
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