Celebrate America! 1987 poetry contest

Book cover
Poems by area school students: Amanda Bischoff ; Caroline Bishop ; Josiah Beutel ; Nathan Niblick ; Bobby Ray Johnson ; Ruthie Jordan ; Hillary Haines ; Jamie Jordan IV ; Paul Christensen ; Tony Carnes ; Nathan Smith ; Erin Patrick ; Jeremy Gerardot ; Suzanne K. Clem ; Nicole Roebel ; Sara Pollum ; Melissa Gase ; Erin Mettert ; Jennifer Rose ; Micah Williams ; Kelly Jacquay ; Jennifer Harris ; Anndrea Gerardot ; David Bowman ; Jonathan Holmes ; Alana Hauff ; Susan Johnson ; Guy L. Willis ; Christian Sheridan ; Susan Woodmansee ; Scott Jung ; Jenny Baker ; Gina Meyer ; Melody Hein ; Joe Greenberg ; Marcus Blake "Winning entries" "Sponsored by Children's Services and Young Adults' Services" Cover title 1
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