Maturin Murray Ballou (1820-1895) was an American journalist, editor, historian and author. He was editor of Flag of the Union, Gleason's Pictorial and Ballou's Monthly and in 1872 became editor-in-chief of the Boston Daily Globe, of which he was one of the founders. He was a publisher of pulp dime novels, many of which he wrote himself under the pseudonym "Lieutenant Murray" His works include: Albert Simmons; or, The Midshipman's Revenge (1845), The Gipsey Daughter; or, The Fortunes of a Spanish Cavalier (1851), The Circassian Slave; or, The Sultan's Favorite (1851), Biography of Rev. Hosea Ballou (1852), History of Cuba (1854), The Duke's Prize and Other Stories (1855), Pearls of Thought (1880), Due West; or, Round the World in Ten Months (1884), Due South; or, Cuba Past and Present (1885), Due North; or, Glimpses of Scandinavia and Russia (1887), Foot-Prints of Travel; or, Journeyings in Many Lands (1889), The New Eldorado: A Summer Journey to Alaska (1889), Equatorial America (1892), Edge-Tools of Speech (1895) and Aztec Land (1896).