From the experience of loss, I was forced to begin a search.
What ever it was I was looking for, I ended up finding myself.
This book evolved from a fierce desire to know and understand myself, and the way in which individuals learn, grow and develop, (socially and spiritually), and as an expansion of my previous book, “Pools of Peace”. Even though I had more than enough pages completed, I continually found myself thinking of ways to expand its contents as my own personal development and understanding expanded. I decided that “Pools” had the right amount of information within it, and further expansion on my philosopy was best put into a more detailed form.
As my thirst for knowledge of human development increased, the need for this information to be documented became paramount. Not only was there a need to share this knowledge with you the readers, and with those who are close and dear to me, but a strange feeling of wanting to share it with myself. I believe that this came from the need to purge myself of the feelings and thoughts within. It was almost like giving myself a test on this subject that is so close to my heart; a way of laying out my inner self on paper and saying, “Yes!, this is exactly what I am feeling”. Upon completion of such an exercise, the information seems to slip back into my pysche to become silently, but permanently resident within the core of my being. It is now first nature to me, and I am in a position to act without fear or reserve when any situation comes my way where Love and Compassion are the only answers.