Book cover
PRAYER: G I T A N J A L I. This is my prayer to Thee, my Lord---strike, strike At the root of penury in my heart. Give me the strength lightly to bear my joys and sorrows. Give me the strength to make my love fruitful in service. Give me the strength never to disown the poor or bend my knees Before insolent might. Give me the strength to raise my mind high above daily trifles. And give me the strength to surrender my strength to Thy Will with love. Nobel Prized: Written by RABINDRANATH TAGORER. SLOGAN: BETTER THE CITIZEN BETTER THE NATION WHAT IS INDIA PENINSULAR I N D I A Hind-istan, Bharath, the Sub-Continent so rich and abundant in natural wealth, vibrant in emotions, Indians’ integrity in diversity, diversified in culture and is the potpourri of customs and traditions, of myriad cultures that came to this land as conquerors, traders and conveyors stayed back as citizens. The Aryans, the Moroccans, the Greeks, the Mongols, the Mughals, the British, the French, the Portuguese……... the civilized world that came to rule the native, ‘Dravidians’ and fell prey to a people that were civilized centuries before their conquerors’ forefathers learnt to read and write. INCREDIBLE INDIA. BE PROUD TO BE AN INDIAN . JAI HIND. WHO WE ARE I N D I A N A C T I O N F O R U M. IAF is an association of Non Politicians, but claims to be An Independent Extraordinary Political Party of Indian Society which mainly intended to bring a Revolutionary Change by complete transformation existing Notorious criminals in Indian political field by Establishing a Respectful Honest Political Party in the name as INDIAN ACTION PARTY. The forum intends to act as a catalyst to revitalize the entire nation. The Philosophy is LET PROFESSIONALS RUN THE GOVERNMENT AND LEAD THE NATIOM. This is the Primary Objective for which the forum was founded. WELCOME I N D I A N A C T I O N F O R U M. IAF is an association of Non Politicians founded in Madras in 1990. The initial thrust of IAF was to make a Complete Transformation of existing Notorious Criminal Politicians. The Philosophy is LET PROFESSIONALS RUN THE GOVERNMENT AND LEAD THE NATIOM. This is the Primary Objective for which the forum was founded. People and Organizations who synchronize with this IDEOLOGY and who long for a complete transformation of the present political system could become a member of the INDIAN ACTION FORUM. Toward this goal we welcome you to join in this National effort and Network. HOW YOU CAN HELP. For the past few decades, India's educated elite have taken less interest in politics than the uneducated masses. And this has probably been the greatest reason why India's infrastructure, health and basic education have maintained 3rd world standards even while the educated elite have rocketed up to international levels of wealth but the illiterate and illegitimate politicians and few well learnered highest criminal minded politicians have competed them 1000 times more. IAF has now set its priorities in pooling our Elector Resources and Righteous Candidates, both honest and professional, for the benefit of the country. India's intellectuals have been too busy making money for themselves to bother with societal issues, and so some of the most challenging problems in India remain unsolved. But it is time that we educated elite realize how valuable our freedom is to our continued prosperity; the world's largest democracy will crumble if we do not begin to participate actively in its well being. We must understand that the plight of the uneducated masses is our own plight, and that it is our responsibility to raise all of India to greatness. Uneducated voters are more likely to be swayed by manipulative politicians with corrupt agendas and are less likely to understand which government policies will benefit them in the long-run. If we - who can read and write, who understand why minority rights must be protected, why women should be respected, and why religious tolerance is essential - do not vote, then how do we expect our democracy to continue to function in a sensible manner? If we hope to see any improvement in things like water quality, health and education, we must make our voices heard by ballot, not just on blogs. A successful democracy encourages voting by all its people, but it demands the active participation of its most educated. If there is a social welfare Organization without ultimate result then what is the use in running. We beg you to think twice. You can identify the right candidates and recommend to IAF. IAF will post them in the field and will work for them to succeed in the Election. Simply running for helping the people had helped politicians to concentrate on corruption as we have taken care off what they are suppose to take care. Kindly join IAF let us together struggle for second freedom. Please unite all the welfare organizations known to you. Out of them we have sufficient candidates who can save the Nation. So GO ROCK THE VOTE in the 2009 AND 2011 General Elections either to the righteous or exercise 49 (O)…!!! SECTION 49 (O) OF THE CONSTITUTION. Exercise your rights enshrined in the Article under Section 49 (O) of the Constitution of India and as per the 1969 Act. 49-O. Elector deciding not to vote.- If an elector, after his/her electoral roll number has been duly entered in the Register of voters in Form-17A and has put his signature or thumb impression thereon as required under sub-rule (1) of rule 49L, decided not to record his vote, a remark to this effect shall be made against the said entry in Form 17A by the presiding officer and the signature or thumb impression of the elector shall be obtained against such remark. ‘It is submitted that there is a system in our constitution, as per the 1969 Act, U/s. 49 (O), a Voter could record that he or she does not want to vote for any candidate, that person can go to the polling booth, confirm his identity, get his finger marked and convey to the Presiding Election Officer / The Returning Officer that he/she doesn't want to vote anyone. By Legally Registering their refusal to vote instead of not showing up for voting, thereby bogus voting could be stalled.’ Yes such a feature is available, but obviously these seemingly Notorious Leaders have never disclosed it and it is seemingly surprising why the Election Commission of India has not revealed such a feature to the public.... This is called "49-O". Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru said, “Frankly Speaking As a Politician, We Politicians Have To Fade Away. There Should Come a Day Where Doctors, Lawyers, Economist Etc; Rule the Nation.” "Our system needs to change", "Our politicians need to fade", "Our government needs to newly wake up": Public service needs new face that will create a new culture of service and renewed sense of social and political responsibility. For years, these lines have littered the rhetoric of politicians, activists, and citizens alike. But for a moment recently, the public began to dream of effecting real change and that to through the medium of democracy -- the ballot box. Without Removing these Politicians there is no hope for improvement. Indeed a complete transformation of the present political system is required. What is lacking: However, in the voting using the Electronic Voting Machines, such a facility is not available to the voter. Although, Rule 49 {O} of the Conduct of Election Rules, 1961 provides that an elector may refuse to vote after he has been identified and necessary entries made in the Register of Electors in Form-17A and the marked copy of the electoral roll, the secrecy of voting is not protected here inasmuch as the polling officials and the polling agents in the polling station get to know about the decision of such a voter. The Commission recommends that the law should be amended to specifically provide for negative / neutral voting. For this purpose, Rules 22 and 49[B] of the Conduct of Election Rules, 1961 may be suitably amended adding a provision that in the ballot paper and the particulars on the ballot unit, in the column relating to names of candidates, after the entry relating to the last candidate, there shall be a column ìNone of the above, to enable a voter to reject all the candidates, if he chooses so. Such a proposal was earlier made by the Commission in 2001 vide letter dated 10.12.2001. (A petition by the People Union for Civil Liberties seeking such a provision filed at the time of the recent general elections is pending before the Honorable Supreme Court) For the past few decades, India's educated elite have taken less interest in politics than the uneducated masses. THOUGH ILLITERACY IS THE PRIMARY CAUSE BUT IGNORANCE OF THE LITERATES IS THE SERIOUS CAUSE. MANY ILLITERATES ARE INNOCENT, MANY LITERATES ARE IGNORANT. INNOCENCE FORGIVABLE BUT IGNORANCE PUNISHABLE. POLICY: DO OR DIE CONSTITUTION OF INDIAN ACTION FORUM 1. NAME AND PURPOSE: The Founder trustee and other trustees established a public charitable trust in the name as: INDIAN ACTION FORUM Herein after called IAF. The IAF claims to be An Independent Extraordinary Political Party of Indian Society which mainly intended to bring a Revolutionary Change by complete transformation of existing Politicians by Establishing a Honest Political Party in the name as: INDIAN ACTION PARTY. 2. OBJECTIVES: Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru said, “Frankly Speaking as a Politician, We Politicians Have To Fade Away. There Should Come a Day Where Doctors, Lawyers, Economist Etc; Rule the Nation.” Without Removing these Politicians there is no hope for improvement. "Our system needs to change", "Our politicians need to fade", "Our government needs a newly wake up": For years, these lines have littered the rhetoric of politicians, activists, and citizens alike. But for a moment recently, the public began to dream of effecting real change and that to through the medium of democracy -- the ballot box. One need not become a nuxsalite, siruthai, Tiger, Ulfa extremist or third grade religious fundamentalist etc., just Exercise your rights enshrined in the Article under Section 49 (O) of the Constitution of India and as per the 1969 Act. THE PHILOSOPHY IS LET THE PROFESSIONALS HANDLE THE RESPECTIVE SECTORS AND THEREBY RULE THE GOVERNMENT AND LEAD THE NATION: This is the Primary Objective for which the forum was founded and the party was established. THE ART OF IAF: SECOND STRUGGLE FOR FREEDOM. Free the country from the criminals. Through Democratic Means: Voting to righteous will do the best. OUR VOTE IS A POWERFUL WEAPON. NON–VIOLENCE, NO STRIKE / NO BUNDH / NO HARTHAL. WHAT IS POLITICS: Politics is a ‘Rough Diamond’ Diamond cuts Diamond. The voting rights are small Diamonds, that will shape Rough to Real Diamond. If right people ignore politics, Hooligans will take it for granted. Proper personals to Represent the people before the Assembly, Parliament and Local body can prevent CRIMINALS entering into politics. Really speaking Politics is Noble, but it becomes “DRAINAGE” when CRIMINALS ENTER. So, it is the duty of every citizen to see that Righteous people to represent them before Parliament, Assembly and Local Body. HOW A GOVERNMENT TO BE: The basic requirement to form a better Government depends upon the quality of the candidates representing the people before the Parliament, Assembly and Local Body. WHAT ARE THE CRITARIA? All the candidates are to be Honest Gentlemen with clean habits and helping nature, non- stiff neck, with patience, perseverance and tolerance towards all aspects. MODEL GOVERNMENT: 1. THE SPEAKER: A Retired chief justice of the High Court or a senior advocate. 2. Deputy Speaker: The same shall apply. 3. Law Minister: Namely a retired Chief Justice of the High Court or a senior most advocate would be an appropriate candidate to head the Law Ministry and with a Law Committee of 20 MLA's of learned lawyers. Likewise each sector would be headed by a PROFESSIONAL AND A COMMITTEE TO GUIDE the Ministry. 4. Law Committee: There should be 20 MLA's from legislative side: Judges, Magistrate, senior advocates, attorney, registrar of court, and Court Officers, etc. Duty: This committee will be headed by the Minister. The committee has to find out the difficulties faced by the public due to delay in disposal of cases, taking prolonged period, waste of time, money and effort. And also to remove the useless Laws, acts, British Penal Code, British’ Procedure code both in Criminal and Civil, rules and regulations; which help the culprits to escape. There are millions of changes needed. Or to throw away the existing and bring out a simple crystal clear Laws. Simplified procedures. To have a common criminal code with severe punishment, so that none dare to commit a crime. Prevention is better than cure. Criminals are killing innocent people and robbing the Govt., bailed and escape as financially sound. 5. MINISTRY OF EDUCATION MINISTER: A Retired Vice-Chancellor. 6. EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE: 20 MLA's are to be from educational side. Principal Head Master Teachers . Professors , Managing Trustees & Trustees of various Institutions, Social Welfare Organizers and members of human wrights, etc.. Duty: To make a common education to all the children and to check the difficulties and torture faced by the children and parents relating to school timings, prayer etc,. And to introduce the fundamentals of Vedas, Bible and Qura'n in school education. School Timings : 9 am to 1pm Girls, 1 pm to 5pm boys, 5 pm to 7 pm adults. One subject one lesson per day. Thoroughly completed no home work no tuitions required. (compulsory education). 7. FREE EDUCATION TO CHILDREN & ADULTS. This ministry will discuss with the FINANCE COMMITTTEE and finally send the “ DECISIONS “ to the Law Committee for Legal opinion. MINISTRY OF FINANCE: MINISTER: E C O N O M I S T. Committee: 20 MLA's Experts in Economics, Finance, Trade & Commerce, Banking Sector, Manufacturing Unit, Industrialist, Agriculturist, Fisheries. To determine: The Expenses, to find out the source, the total output from the state to the central to seek support from the central. Minimize the overhead burden to the public. 10. Funniest & Silliest : Sales Tax on Medicine and Corporation Tax on Hospitals are PENAL. (Pay Bribe or Take the Dead Body). Best Kanna Best. 11. MINISTRY OF HEALTH: 12. MINISTER: DOCTOR OF MEDICINE (DEEN OF HOSPITAL). COMMITTEE: 20 MLA's DOCTORS and (Health & social welfare) A. All the citizen must get absolutely FREE MEDICATION. B. To prevent diseases. C. To Ban smoking completely. D. To Ban alcohol and related products. E. To Ban Prostitution. F. To provide Hygienic water, street & Road cleanliness, measure through meeting with ministry of Environment, Corporation, Municipality and Panchayat Etc., 13. MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT 14. MINISTER: SOCIAL STUDIES. COMMITTEE: 10 MLA's Retired uncorrupted officials IAS, IPS and Social Workers like EXNORA. They have to study the field and meet the relevant ministries to frame a Network and finally educate the people as well to introduce in schools, colleges, the knowledge, the importance and also to join hand with the ministry of health. To control pollution: Vehicles, Industries and Factories. 15. MINISTRY OF POLICE: 16. MINISTER: ‘JUDGE’. Committee of 20 MLA's of Law graduates and personals from Various sectors including anti corruption movement etc.. Important clause: This ministry will form Corrupt Practice Investigation Bureau and to work in all the departments from top level to the bottom. The culprits giving and taking will be arrested on the spot and severe punishment such as cutting the right hand to be done, the criminal laws to be amended to that extend. Law graduates will be appointed to the rank of police inspector and will be employed (detectives) to root out corruption. But at the same time sufficient salary will be paid and income tax exception up to Rs. 3,80,000/- and income tax on the above shall be @ 2.50% . These changes shall be done by the Govt. formed by IAF. SIMILARILY ALL THE MINISTRIES WILL BE FORMED. 3. IAF will have the following structure: (a) National Convention. 1. POLITICS: INDIAN ACTION PARTY CHAIRMAN / FOUNDER TRUSTEE: IRAIARIGNAR. M. AHAMED ZAINUL ARIF {Born on 28th June, 1954 at Ramanathapuram District, Hind-Indian Muslim, Political Analyst, Theologian, Orator, Writer and Social Worker}. TRUSTEES: 1. Mr. A.C.S. CHELLAPPA, Hind-Indian Christian, Writer, Dramatic Script writer and Social Worker. 2. Er. DURGAPRASAD, Civil Engineer, Hind-Indian Hindu and Social Worker. FLAG OF THE PARTY: In three colours On the top it shall be Sky Blue To teach every one that their AIM should be at the very Height. In the Centre it shall be Grass Green To keep the Earth ever productive. At the bottom it shall be Oceanic Blue. To keep their heart widen like the Ocean. The area of operation of the trust and party will be preferably in all over India. Office Address: The Principal office of the Trust is situated at No. 16/68, Periyanna Maistri Street, Periyamet, Madras – 600003. Email: [email protected] Branches of the trust and party if deemed necessary shall be opened at the discretion of the trustees at one or more places in India. (b) General Council (c) Executive Committee 2. Corrupt Practice Preventive Measure 3. Specific Activities Councils. For specific activities, there will also be a Human Rights Council, a Business Council, a Cultural Council, an Academic Council, a Philanthropic Council, a Health Services Council, a Youth Council, a Women’s Council and an International Advisory Council, a Credentials Committee and the Secretariat. M I S S I O N S T A T E M E N T. The Principal objects of the Trust and the Party is as follows: 1. To strive for securing and protecting the Rights Of Every Citizen. 2. To strive for safeguarding the dignity and honor of all the citizens Especially the deprived sections and the destitute of the Indian society. 3. To educate the people about the social evils, Terrorism and Atrocities, even a strike or a bundh or harthal is an evil, creating Loss to the society and to launch programs against them. 4. To advocate the cause of the oppressed people and to render to them all lawful (legal) assistance. 5. To educate the people especially the younger generation about non violence and to use the democratic means to achieve the RIGHTS. 6. To preach against terrorism and violence. 7. To educate people so as to remove the conflict between religions, and to achieve social integration and communal harmony. 8. To render assistance to people affected during natural calamities and riots. 9. To increase blood donors among the society. 10. To increase eye donors. 11. To draw schemes for the welfare of the economically weaker sections of the society. 12. To draw schemes for the educational welfare of the students Community and to render them educational assistance. 13. To render medical assistance to the economically weaker sections of the society. 14. To render legal support to the members and to their family in case of torture either by social bad elements or third grade police or any department seem to be against the law or against the fundamental rights enshrined in the Indian constitution through legal means. The legal cell of the IAF will enter into the matter and get justice to the permanent member. 15. To strive to prevent corruption, by way of trapping by the help of the concern department even on the higher level also, whoever he/ she may be. 16. To unite all the social welfare organizations and associations of various sectors to work together. 17. To strive for social justice and equality for all segments of Society. 18. a. To promote the interests and all round welfare of all the socially, economically and educationally downtrodden people in India. To run Hospital or other institution or Institutions for the reception and treatment of persons suffering from illness of mental defectiveness left on the street starving or for the receipt and treatment of persons during convalescence of or persons requiring medical attention of rehabilitation solely for philanthropic purchase and not for purpose of nay gain and profit. c. To help the rural folks and unemployed youths in all possible way in order to make themselves reliant and self - supportive. d. To study the problems of the weaker sections of the people in India and focus attention of them. e. To conduct Training programs of development and communication, so as to help development groups and others to communicate to their beneficiaries better and deeper through many cultural media. f. To enable the socially, educationally and economically downtrodden people of India to realize and fulfill their responsibilities in themselves in society to the country and to the world. g. To work in co-operations with similar social welfare organizations of India and other countries for the welfare of the people in India. h. To bring together and co-ordinate the activities and affiliate Organizations working for the welfare of the socially, educationally and economically downtrodden people. i. To conduct periodic lectures, meetings, conference, seminar and surveys on matters of interest to weaker sections of the people in India. j. To provide a medium for the exchange of information above the activities, objectives and experiences of similar organizations. k. To help them acquire local need-based requisite, minimum knowledge and skill in the field of economic activities. l. To enable welfare organizations to formulate and carryout common Program. {m} To establish local need-based community life experience centers with the following views. Functions as centre of, out of school education including study groups, seminars, work shops, and such other activities would promote social understanding particularly fact the child labor and Tribal folk and serve as a forum for placing and evaluation. To intimate and organize local based economic projects to serve as 1. Training 2. Research 3. Experiment 4. Support and maintain the expanding activities of the trust. n. To provide appropriate services for the socially, economically and educationally weaker section of the people which will not prejudices self-reliance, to encourage the spirit of voluntarism by revitalizing the existing voluntary social welfare groups particularly local action oriented groups. o. To provide common forum for the voluntary agencies concerned with growth and development, to share their cherished ideas and through which to enable them to speed up the process of concerted efforts for action. p. To establish branches, officers and regional committees, local committees and the like and to initiate inter group and inter state projects and enable local groups and branches of social welfare organization to carry them out. q. To subscribe to the process of social justice through local action groups whenever possible. r. To affiliate to any national and / or international organizations including the United Nation Organization and its specialized agencies and / or to co-operate with them in all matters concerning the common interest and the welfare of the weaker section of the people in India. s. To establish and maintain research and reference libraries, reading rooms, study classes, hostels and centers for a study, recreation and welfare for the socially, economically and educationally downtrodden people in India. t. To publish journals, tracts, pamphlets, books and the like for promoting the above aims and objectives for private circulation. u. To conduct orientation programs for social workers on basic law in order to make them understand of our nation. v. To promote sustainable agriculture and environment development through various activities in India. w. To create media awareness among the people. x. To create awareness about human rights among the people. y. To Translate / Publish world literatures in to Indian languages. Z. To Translate / Publish Indian literatures in to world languages. aa) To establish an educational institution and render service to the poor without any distinction of caste, sex and religion. ab) To carryon activities helpful to the society in general & to any individual or individuals in particular in the field of education and ac) To form a nucleus or plat from of universal brotherhood without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or colour. ad) To motivate and uplift the poor, women, backwards and downtrodden to achieve mental confidence and security for life time and to prepare grounds for the same. ae) To discourage and eliminate child labor in all it’s forms and to promote and protect minorities welfare and rights. af) To do all other acts and things as are conducive and helpful to advancement and fulfillment of the principal and other objects. ag) To give Training to uplift the rural folk and women in India. ah) To run and as well support to orphanage and old age homes in India. ai) To create awareness about Individual House Hold Latrine among people. aj) To create awareness about Personal Hygiene practices among people. ak) To create awareness about Rural and Urban sanitation. al) To create awareness about Solid waste and Waste water Management among people. am) To run Rural Sanitary Mart. an) To uplift the Religious and Language minorities in India. CONSTITUTION OF THE FORUM 1. The income and funds of the Trust shall be solely utilized for the benefit of any person referred to in sub section 3 of 13 of the income Tax Act 1961 and for no amount of payment to be made to Trustees by way of profit, interest, dividend and etc. 2. The Trust and the Trust fund shall be irrevocable for all times. 3. Regular and correct accounts of the Trust funds, receipts and expenditure shall be maintained. The Financial year of the Trust shall end on 31'st March of every year. Tile accounts of the Trust shall be audited by a qualified Chartered Accountant. (a) The Trust found shall be invested and keep invested and deal with the Trust found in accordance with the provisions of section 13 (1) (d) read with section 11 (5) of the Income Tax Act, 1961. (b) The Trust will have to carry on the activities / Business only if it is incidental to the attainment of the objectives of the Trust and with in the parameters lay down in section 11 (4A) of the Income Tax Act 1961. (c) The amendments if any made to the Trust deed will not be extend to alter the basic character / objects of the Trust and no such amendment which may prove to be repugnant to the Provisions of section 2(15), 11, 12, 13 and 80 G of the Income Tax Act, 1961. (d) If any amendment is to be made, the same is to be made with the prior approval of commissioner of Income Tax. (e) In the event of dissolution winding up of the Trust the assets remaining as on the date of dissolution shall under no circumstances be distributed among the trustees and the same shall be translated to another charitable Trust whose objects are similar to those of this Trust and which enjoys recognition under section 80G of the Income Ta Act. 1961. (f) The Trust may accept any donation, contribution, grant or subscription in cash or in kind from any person. Institution or Body of Individuals or Association of Persons or Trust or organizations with or without conditions from India or abroad. Incase or receipt of foreign donations, permission from the Ministry of Home affairs will have to be obtained and code number will be obtained. {g} To apply to income tax department for tax exception for the donors under section 80G of the Income Ta Act. 1961. 4. (a) The number of Trustees shall not be less than Three and not more than seven. b) All the Trustees unless voluntarily resign or otherwise decide shall continue to be the Trustees during the term of their natural lives. c) The Fonder Trustee of the First part Irai-arignar. M. Ahamed Zainul Arif, shall have to nominate any person as Trustee during his life time. d) On any vacancy occurring in the board of Trustees by the death or by the resignation of a Trustee to any other cause, it shall be competent and lawful to appoint any person in the place of the person or persons who ceased to be Trustees. The power of appointment of Trustee shall be appointed by the present Founder Trustee of the first part as he decides till his life time. After his life time, the remaining Trustees will appoint the trustee. 5. The Trustees shall not be entitled to any remuneration, but the Trustees may reimburse themselves all expenses actually incurred by them in connection with the trust duties relating thereto. (a). The affairs of Trust shall be managed by the Board of Trustees of the said Trust. The Founder Trustee and other Trustees and every person who may hereafter appoint as Trustees shall constitute the Board of Trustee. (b) The Founder Trustee of the first part Irai-arignar Mr. M. Ahamed Zainul Arif, shall be appointed as the “ SOCIAL WELFARE TRUST” of the Board and shall hold office as such for his natural lives unless he resign. (c) The Managing Trustee shall if present, preside over all meetings of the Board. (d) If the Managing Trustee is not present within half an hour of the IAF for which the meeting has commenced, the members present shall elect one among them as a president of the meeting. (e) The Board of trustees may exercise all the powers vested with them under these presents or by law, by a resolution passed at meetings of the board of trustee by a majority of votes. (f) In the event of equal division of votes, the president of the Board of Trustees shall have a casting vote in addition to his vote as Trustees. (g) A resolution in writing circulated amongst all the Trustees and signed by majority of them shall be as valid and effectual as if it had been passed at a meeting of the Trustees duly called and convened. (h) On any vacancy arising in the office of managing Trustee or president the successors to such office shall be filled in by election by the Board Trustees. 6. That for the furtherance of the objects of the trust, the Board of Trustees shall have the following Trustees. (a) To accept any donation, contribution, grant or subscription in case or in kind, from any person, body of person or trust, with or without conditions. (b) To apply the whole of any part of the income of the Trust or the trust fund or accumulations thereto, to anyone or more of the objects of the trust as the trustees may in their discretion deem fit from time to time. (c) To convert and deal with the trust property and / or any investments for the time being. (d) To invest Trust fund either in the purchase or construction of immovable properties or to obtain immovable property by way of lease or of mortgage immovable property or in such manner as allowed by law as may be in force from time to time and to convert, vary dispose of or transfer such investments from time to time. (e) To borrow or raise or secure payments of money and also to lend money as interest free short term loans either with or without security. (f) To sell, dispose of alienate or deal with any property comprising the Trust Fund. (g) To let out demise any immovable property comprised in the Trustees Fund for such period and at such rent on such terms and conditions as the Trustees in their discretion may think fit. (h) To open account in the name of the Trust, Trustees and / or Institutions conducted by the Trust with a Bank of Banks, to operate such account and to the Bank and to provide for opening and operation of such account by Chairman/Founder Trustee. (i) To adjust, settle, compound, refer to arbitration, all actions, suits, claims, demands and proceedings regarding the Trust Fund. (ii) To appoint constituted attorneys or agents and to delegate to such attorneys or agents all or any of the powers vested of them under these presents and from time to time remove such attorneys or agents and to appoint any other in his or their place. (k) To appoint or make provision for the appointment of any person (including all or any of the Trustees and committees or administrator or managing Trustee or otherwise) for the purpose of the administration of the Trust in such manner and subject to such rules and regulation as the Trustees may prescribe and also to appoint or provide for the appointment of this Deed in such manner and subject to such rules and regulations as the Trustees may from time to time think fit. (l) To make, vary, alter or modify schemes, rules and regulations for carrying out the objects f the trust and for the management of the affairs there of and / or running any institution in furtherance of the objects of the Trust and otherwise for giving effect to the objects of the Trust. (m) To set apart and / or allocate the whole or a part of the income or the corpus of Trust Fund or part thereof for any of the objects of the Trust. {n} To with any other or others having kindred or allied objects, upon such items and conditions as the trustees may in their discretion think fit particularly hailing regard to and conformity with the objects and nature of this Trust. (0) To give aid by way of donations out of the income or the corpus the Trust Fund or otherwise, to different charitable institutions, societies, Organizations or Trusts in India which may have been established or which may here after be established for the like charitable purposes mentioned in these presents or any of them to enable such institution, societies, organization or Trustees to start maintain, or carry out such charitable objects. (p) To borrow money either on the security of any property comprised in the Trust Fund or otherwise, for all any of the purpose of these presents, and it shall be lawful for the Trustees to make such borrowings on they may in their absolute discretion think fit. (q) To apply to the Government, public bodies, urban, local, municipal district and other bodies, corporation, companies or persons for and to accept grant of money and of aid, donations gifts, subscriptions and other assistance with a view to promoting the objects of the Trust and to discuss and negotiate with the Government Departments, public and other bodies corporations, companies or persons, scheme and other work and matters within the objects of the trust and to conform any proper condition upon which such Grants and other payments may be made. (r) To establish, promote, manage, organize .or maintain or to assist in establishing, promoting, managing, organizing or maintaining any branch of the Trust or its branch with objects similar to those of those of this other Trust with this Trust. (s) To take over, acquire, manage, control or aid any existing institution or institution having objects either wholly or in part similar to the objects of this Trust and on such terms and conditions as may be thought expedient. (t) To transfer and hand over the Trust on dissolution to any other society Institution, Trust or Organization having similar objects discretion think fit and proper to be held by the society, agreements and declarations, appearing and contained in these presents subject to the such transfer of the Trust Fund the Trustee for the time being of presents shall become discharged from the trust hereof relating to Trust Fund so transferred. 7. If the income from trust property in a particular year is not fully utilized, the unexpended income shall be carried over to the next year or years or it may be invested in accordance with the provisions of 13 (1) (d) read with section 11 (5) of income Tax Act 1961, and spent in such subsequent year or years for the advancement of any of the object of the Trust. 8. All the properties, asset and funds of the Trust shall vest and in he held in the name of the Founder Trustee, on behalf of the Trust and shall be held in such names only. The Board of Trustee shall not be entitled to vary / change this position and they may dose only on the demise of the Founder Trustee. (a) It is expressly declared that no part of the Trust property or it’s income or any accretion there to shall be applied for any purpose outside India or for any purpose which is not a charitable purpose in law and all provisions here of construed accordingly. (b) The Trust will not carryon any activity with intention of earning profit. (c) The benefits of the Trust are available to the General Public with out any distinction from Caste, Religion, Sex, Race or Creed. 28. The Managing Trustee shall on behalf of Trust execute all documents, contracts and deeds and shall be entitled to institute, conduct or defend all suits and legal proceeding for the on behalf of the Trust and to sign Pleadings, Plaints, Vakalats, statements and affidavits for and on in respect of any other authority. 9. If any amendment is made to this trust deed, it must be intimated to the Commissioner of Income Tax and his objections and suggestions are also to be incorporated in the Trust deed. 10. The Trustees consider that the objects of the Trust will be better achieved if the Income Tax on the Trust is exempted under the income Tax Act. In case however, a particular clause of the instrument of the Trust has been inadvertently clothed in language capable of an interpretation in conflict with the relevant provisions of the Income Tax granting exemptions, it is expressly declared that such classes shall have restricted meaning or null and void so that the relevant Income Tax Act provisions will always have the over riding effect. 11. MEMBERSHIP 1. Membership absolutely free. 2. Member should abide to the terms & conditions, rules, regulations and the constitutions of IAF. 3. A person if he/she is a member of any anti social group, which is Against the interest of any society or religion will not be enrolled. Every citizen must show and possess tolerance and social relationship With the fellow citizen as his brethren whatever the religion, caste, Creed, language or any state may be, he/she belongs to. 4. The employees of both the governments are not prohibited by any law for becoming a member. 5. The membership is granted only after scrutinizing the application and the decision taken by the comptroller (committee) of IAF is final. The enrolment at the division must be approved by the head office. 6. Those who wish to be a member of a particular Division should be a resident or employed in that Division. 7. The head office has the Right to enroll any citizen from any part of the country. An individual can be a member through one division or the head office and cannot enroll twin membership or more through other divisions but he/she can get transferred from one division to another division in case of shifting, transfer and so on by informing the office of registration. 8. The members and the office bearers of the divisions shall abide to the instructions already framed or amended at intervals. 12. DIVISIONS. 1. To form a division there should be minimum 25 permanent members. 2. The Divisions are set out in the areas of Metropolitan City, Municipality, Panchayat Union, Villages and even in every street or a lane. 3. In the recognized Division the permanent members committee may Select the Office bearers, such as Divisional Head, Secretary and treasurer. These three office bearers may jointly select their respective assistants and send the same for the approval of the Head Office.. 4. Though all the divisions are under the control of the Head Office, still the Divisions of the corporation limit are directly under the control of the Head Office and rest of the sub-divisions are controlled by their respective local higher divisions such as Municipal, Panchayat, village etc. etc. continues. DRAFTED BY: IRAIARIGNAR. M. AHAMED ZAINUL ARIF. {As for as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh & Sri Lanka are concern if one to become a PRIME MINISTER or CHIEF MINISTER) simple if either a wife or a concubine, son or daughter or son-in-law to the former PM or CM is enough unconditional. And further, among the party men; most of them are third grade gangsters, illiterate Cine actors, actress, dancers, hooligans, PorIky, gundass with criminal back ground and black money etc., but now people are well aware and no more cowards are there among the people of India, hence victory is in our hand. You are going to have everything. Choice is yours, you want to follow or want to spoil the country continuously by keeping aloof. So far people’s policy is, I don’t care whether Ravanan rules or Raman rules. For the sake of our children please reconsider your policy.) IF YOU JOIN TO CHANGE THE NATION, WE ALL TOGATHER CAN CHANGE THE WORLD.
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