Coolest variations of Japanese crossword puzzles...
Hiragana Crossword Puzzle: Clues are given in English and solutions in hiragana. So what's your part? :-)
Katakana Transliteral: The 'clues' are scrambled Japanese words in katakana. Unscramble them and write the solutions in hiragana.
Cryptogram: Each number represents one character. Write the reference number for each character in the table below and the referring kana in the table on the right in order to decode the puzzle.
Logical: Take words and phrases from the list and work out their correct location in the crossword. As you use them, check them off with an 'x' in their box.
Puzzlegram: Find the right location in their allocated lines and columns for the given yet mixed up words. Mark the borders between the answers with a heavy line, and note that every square has to be used.
Key: As all puzzles are variations from one grid, one solution fits to all puzzles.
The sky is the limit ...