War stops literature: William Dean Howells.--The joys of the poor: Kathleen Norris.--National prosperity and art: Booth Tarkington.--Romanticism and American humor: Montague Glass.--The "movies" benefit literature: Rex Beach.--What is genius? by Robert W. Chambers.--Deterioration of the short story: James Lane Allen.--Some harmful influences: Harry Leon Wilson.--The passing of the snob: Edward S. Martin.--Commercializing the sex instinct: Robert Herrick.--Sixteen don'ts for poets: Arthur Guiterman.--Magazines cheapen fiction: George Barr McCutcheon.--Business incompatible with art: Frank H. Spearman.--The novel must go: Will N. Harben.--Literature in the colleges: John Erskine.--City life versus literature: John Burroughs.--"Evasive idealism" in literature: Ellen Glasgow.--"Chocolate fudge" in the magazine: Fannie Hurst.--The new spirit in poetry: Amy Lowell.--A new definition of poetry: Edwin Arlington Robinson.--Let poetry be free: Josephine Preston Peabody.--The heresy of supermanism; Charles Rann Kennedy.--The masque and democracy: Percy Mackaye