Support materials for the "Intelligent Multimodal Interfaces" course of the MSc in Computer Science and Software Engineering of Instituto Superior Técnico, second year, second semester.
Description: After thirty years, desktop computers are being replaced by a new generation. Computers will soon metamorphose into home appliances and specialized devices. As they evolve into more widespread use, they are becoming ubiquitous. This transformation will convert them into much more important devices which are less obstructive to everyday usage. These trends and changes reflect on and will have deep impact in the architecture and evolution of future user interfaces. Indeed, synthethic characters and intelligent devices of tomorrow that combine gestures, speech, writing recognition and sketches will substitute the WIMP (Windows, Icons, Mouse and Pointing) interfaces as the dominant ways to interact with computers.
This course is addressed at MSc students interested in designing MultiModal interfaces.
Lectures (pdf's in Portuguese):
- Introduction
- Usability Engineering
- Task Analysis
- Human Factors
- Mental Models
- Interaction Styles
- Prototypes
- Predictive Analysis
- Heuristic Evaluation
grelha-avaliacao-prototipos.pdf - prototype evaluation grid
multimodal_interfaces_materials_2008.tar.gz - basic code
instrucoes-escrita-relatorio-ipm0809.pdf - guide to write the final report
template-relatorio-ipm0809.doc - template for report
Labs: and - sample interfaces