Japanese & English PDF version;
Message-of-Blessing--Chapter-4-1--I-only-receive-the-love,-and-convey-only-the-love--Japanese-English--LyiMuse ;
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs ; LyiMuse;
--I only receive the love, and convey only the love--
Only receive the love,
and convey only the love.
I receive love and peace,
and convey love and peace.
I receive love and gratitude,
and convey love and gratitude.
All I can do is to convey them.
And it makes me happy.
Thank you.
Message-of-Blessing--Chapter-4-2--I-abandon-all--and-the-chest-filled-with-love-sets-my-mind-at-ease--Japanese-English--LyiMuse ;
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs ; LyiMuse;
--I abandon all, and the chest filled with love sets my mind at ease.--
I abandon all,
and I am in a gentle hands of love.
Your chest wrap me softly,
and I feel peace with love,
and melted together into love.
Thank you my dearest you.
Message-of-Blessing--Chapter-4-3--Only-gaze-at-love--Japanese-English--LyiMuse ;
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs ; LyiMuse;
--Only gaze at love--
Your love wrap me limitless and forever,
and I keep relaxing, feeling a peace of mind,
and living in love.
Thanks a lot.
Thanks so much.
I only praise you.
I applaud only you.
Message-of-Blessing--Chapter-4-4--Love-accepts-everything--Japanese-English--LyiMuse ;
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs ; LyiMuse;
--"Love accepts everything."--
"Love overcomes everything.
Because love accepts all.
Love forgives everything.
Love heals everything."