Preface; Introduction by R.G. Ingersoll; Sketch of the Life of Swedenborg; Emanuel Swedenborg, the origin of the Christian ideas Heaven, Hell and virtue; Sketch of the life of Adam Smith; Adam Smith, founder of the school of the economists; Sketch of the life of Jeremy Bentham; Jeremy Bentham, the Apostle of Law reform and of Utilitarianism in morals; Sketch of the life of thomas Paine; Thomas Pain, the apostle of chronic revolution in his relations to the Declaration of Independence, and democracy in America; Sketch of the life of Fourier; Charles Fourier the philosopher of passional harmony and cooperative association; Sketch of the life of Spencer; Herbert Spencer, a review of his theories of evolution and of morals; Sketch of the life of Haeckel; Ernst Haeckel, the demonstrator of the doctrine of evolution; Auguse Comte - founder of the positive philosophy and pontiff of the religion of humanity, including a sketch of his life; The authorship of Junius, a sequel to the critique on Thomas Paine; Wealth, a sequel to the Critique on Adam Smith 26