A series of staff papers submitted through the Tax Study Task Force to the Montana Legislative Council Subcommittee on Taxation pt. 1. A primer on state and local taxation, by J.H. Wicks.-- pt. 2. Historical pattern of state expenditures in Montana and the United States since 1947, by J.H. Wicks and L.S. Thompson. -- pt. 3. Historical pattern of state revenue in Montana and the United States since 1947, by J.H. Wicks and L.S. Thompson. -- pt. 4. Human resource analysis, by W.D. Diehl, 1966. -- pt. 5. Revenue and expenditure projections for Montana state government, by W.D. Diehl. -- pt. 6. Economic analysis of Montana's tax structure, by J.H. Wicks. Appendix 1, Montana property tax assessment problems, by H.H. Lord. 1966. Appendices 2-4, by J.H. Wicks, R.A. Beck [and] R.A. Little. Appendix 2, Analysis of individual property assessment; Appendix 3, The benefit basis for property taxation; Appendix 4, The burden of distribution of the Montana individual income tax. Appendices 5-7, by J.H. Wicks, J.D. Bailey, W.R. Ingram [and] M.N. Killworth. Appendix 5. Effects of Montana taxes on decisions of business firms; Appendix 6, State taxation and state economic growth; Appendix 7, The compliance and administrative costs of Montana taxes. -- pt. 7. Non-tax revenue sources in Montana, by L.S. Thompson. -- pt. 8. Alternative methods of meeting future revenue needs in Montana, by M.C. Taylor, with supporting appendices by J.H. Wicks. -- pt. 9. Recent developments in taxation in other states, by L.S. Thompson. -- pt. 10. An integrated tax structure for Montana, by the 1966 Montana Taxation Task Force 14