Plato’s Code presents a solution to the universes of Plato and Descartes; It is conjectured here that the 'quantity of motion' (momentum) of Descartes may also provide the basis for the mathematical universe (and quinta essentia, the fifth element; Quintessence) of Plato.
Plato’s mathematical universe of geometrical forms then becomes interacting shapes constructed from the momentum of Descartes. Normally we ascribe momentum to the velocity of object; a car or truck, however this momentum simply is. It is pure motion and, it would seem, nothing more.
It is proposed that this 5th element Quintessence-momentum may be that fundamental substance from which our universe is created; for from the yin-yang duality of this momentum (the wave-particle duality of physics), we can construct mass, time, energy, particles, electricity, gravity as geometrical shapes or forms... in other words, our entire universe and all that is within can potentially be reduced to the mathematics of motion, the geometry of this momentum.
We may rephrase Descartes... WE MOVE, THEREFORE WE ARE