"In which is contained a series of designs for domes, roofs and spires, with a number of plates showing the interior construction and finish of bays, window shutters, sliding doors, etc., designed expressly for the joiner's use; choice examples of the five orders of architecture, selected from the most celebrated specimens of antiquity, with the figured dimensions of their height, projection and profile, and their division into parts; to which is added a number of useful geometrical problems, examples of groins, centering for arches, diagrams of stair lines, with architraves, door moldings, etc.; the whole being illustrated by sixty-six carefully prepared plates, accompanied by explanatory text and general essays, to which is appended a copious glossary"--T.p Hitchcock Bound in cloth with leather spine and corners Holograph in pencil on third prelim. p.: M.D. Dean, 104 Ashland Ave., Chicago Holograph in ink on second prelim. p.: Hon. A. Lincoln, President of the United States, with kind regards of the author, Phila., Nov 8, 1861 Holograph in ink on second prelim. p.: Presented to M.D. Dean by Mrs. Abraham Lincoln, 1868 Holograph in ink on second prelim. p.: Presented to A.M. Rennady, Feb. 24th 1879 by M.D. Dean, Chicago 18