English witchcraft and James the First, by G.L. Kittredge.- Buddhist and Christian parallels: the mythological background, by J.E. Carpenter.- Satirists and enchanters in early Irish literature, by F.N. Robinson.- Saint Peter and the minstrel, by E.S. Sheldon.- The liver as the seat of the soul, by Morris Jastrow, jr.- The Sikh religion, by Maurice Bloomfield.- Yahweh before Moses, by G.A. Barton.- Der schluss des buches Hosea, by Karl Budde.- The sacred rivers of India, by E.W. Hopkins.- The two great nature shrines of Israel: Bethel and Dan, by J.P. Peters.- Asianic influence in Greek mythology, by W.H. Ward.- The theological school at Nisibis, by G.F. Moore.- The translations made from the original Aramaic gospels, by C.C. Torrey.- Oriental cults in Spain, by C.H. Moore.- The consecrated women of the Hammurabi code, by D.G. Lyon.- Figurines of Syro-Hittite art, by R.J.H. Gottheil.- Bibliography [publications of C.H. Toy] by Harry Wolfson 26