Tapisseries du Roy, ou sont representez les quatre elemens et les quatre saisons ; avec les devises qui les accompagnent et leur explication = Königliche französische Tapezereyen, oder überaus schöne Sinn-Bilder, in welchen die vier Element, samt den vier

Book cover
Text in French and German Engraved chiefly by Johanna Sibylla Kraus after S. Le Clerc from designs by C. Le Brun; devices from miniature paintings by J. Bailly; original text by A. Félibien 32 engraved full-page emblems; emblematic frontispiece; 2 decorated divisional title pages; and 8 double-page plates of the tapestries containing the emblems Pagination is continuous; gaps in pagination accomodate inserted double and single-page plates In this re-issue, the frontispiece is signed by Johann Ulrich Krauss, the emblem plates contain additional engraved titles and verses, and dedication is omitted Imperfect copy; plates have been bound out of order Bound in full calf; armorial bookplate on front paste-down: "Ex Libris Liechtensteinianis" VD 17 McGeary & Nash. Emblem books at the University of Illinois Landwehr, J. German emblem books NUC pre-1956 Praz, Mario. Studies in seventeenth-century imagery Yale, Ger. Baroque Lit.
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