The English Revisers' Greek Text: Shown to be Unauthorized, Except by Egyptian Copies Discarded.
For those seeking information about comparisons between the Textus Receptus and Codex Vaticanus (or Sinaiticus), this is a key book. It is not as official as the [greek] book Codex B and Allies by Hoskier, but this book will give you much information and documentation about the TRUE state of Manuscript Translation in the Early Church, and the Politics of the Alexandrian (Egyptian) Church, and their impact on Church Manuscripts of the New Testament (and the Inspiration and Canonization) of the Bible.
Some people think that the information is too hard to find, but it is right here. and it accessible to you for whatever that is worth. Many people "say" they want answers, but then they don't actually want to read. How much is your spirituality and its results worth to you ?
The choice of course is yours. We only post some of the sources of information.
This book is perhaps a good introduction to the more detailed work (in Textual Criticism) of OXford Professor John William Burgon. The book "Canon of the Old and New Testaments by Alexander is also a standby, as is the work by Mauro, Gabelein or R. D. wilson, [Scientific Investigation of the Old Testament], but those are for follow up.