Vol. 1; pt. 1. - Present-day medicine - H.A. Christian; The future of medicine - James Mackenzie; The heritage of modern medicine - W.B. Johnston: The part played in diet by foods of unknown chemical nature - E.V. McCollum: Climate in relation to health and disease - Henry Sewall.- Vol. 1; pt. 2. - Pathological physiology and its relation to internal medicine - A.W. Hewlett; hydrotherapy - Guy Hinsdale:- Vol. 1; pt. 3. - The treatment of disease - Sir William Osler; The living causes of diseases and how they act - J.J. Mackenzie; Eugenics in relation to medicine - C.B. Davenport; Focal infection - Frank Billings:- Vol. 1; pt. 4. - The mechanism of bodily resistance to disease - F.P. Gay; Medical social service as a factor in the diagnosis and treatment of disease - R.C. Cabot; Environment: its bearing upon the maintenance of health and the treatment of disease - W.B. James; Radiations and their effects - W.T. Bovie; Acidosis and the physico chemical equilibrium of the organism - L.J. Henderson:- Vol. 1; pt. 5. - The rationale of clinical diagnosis - L.F. Barker; Tests of function - H.A. Christian; Respiration in disease - F.W. Peabody; Calorimetric methods of study of disease - E.F. DuBois 14