The Michigan Salt Association, J.W. Jenks; Development of the whisky trust, J.W. Jenks; Wire-nail Association of 1895-6, C.E. Edgerton; Industrial pooling agreements, W.E. Belcher Addyston Pipe C., E.B. Whitney; Capitalization of the International Mercantile Marine Co., E.S. Meade; Capitalization of public-service corporations, W.Z. Ripley; The U.S. Steel Corporation's Bond conversion, E.S. Meade; Later history of the Bond Conversion, W.Z. Ripley; U.S. Shipbuilding Co., J. Smith; Promoters' liability for unrevealed profits, H. Tatnall; Trade combinations at Common law, F.J. Goodnow; Interpretation and amendment of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, P.C. Knox; The tin-plate industry, F.L. McVey; The Northern Securities Co., Massachusetts Business Corporation Law, G. Calkins; The promotion of companies and the valuation of assets according to German Company Law, E. Schuster; The New Companies Act, 1900, M. Barlow; Trust literature; a survey and criticism, C.J. Bullock 26