I use to visit your archive very often. And often I find digitalized books that I don't find in Italy. I am not an "official" university researcher: I am 55, I attended at university, I didn't obtain a degree but I keep still alive my passion on a travel books.
So, when I visited your archives, I found this book: http://www.archive.org/stream/unviaggioinlapp00sommgoog#page/n6/mode/1up,
It's a travel writing of Paolo Mantegazza, Un viaggio in Lapponia. I red it on line and I downloaded the OCR file. And I trasformed it again in a Word file.
Many mistakes I found in it and reading page per page I made the needed corrections and I obtained the same book. I send now to you the PDF of it. Take note that I respected:
1) the book size
2) the pagination and the typographical character
3) the number of pages
4) the number of lines per page
5) the number of characters per line.
My best regards
Tiziano Lazzarin
Cordenons / Pordenone / Italy