Well may this book be called the Song of Songs! There is no song like it.
Read aright, it brings a gladness to the heart which is as far beyond the joy of
earthly things as heaven is higher than the earth. It has been well said that
this is a song which grace alone can teach, and experience alone can learn.
Our SAVIOUR, speaking of the union of the branch with the vine, adds,
"These things have I spoken unto you, that My joy might remain in you, and
that your joy might be full" (John 15:2) And the beloved disciple, writing of Him
who "was from the beginning," who "was with the FATHER, and was
manifested unto us," in order that we might share the fellowship which He
enjoyed, also says, "These things we write unto you, that your joy may be
full." Union with CHRIST, and abiding in CHRIST, what do they not secure?
Peace, perfect peace; rest, constant rest; answers to all our prayers; victory
over all our foes; pure, holy living; ever-increasing fruitfulness. All, all of these are the glad outcome of abiding in CHRIST. To deepen this union, to make
more constant this abiding, is the practical use of this precious Book.