Purchase of this book includes free trial access to www.million-books.com where you can read more than a million books for free. Excerpt from book: Section 3[ ? ] In an Account of the textit{European Settlements in textit{America, printed in textit{London, 1757, the Author, fpeaking on this Subject, fays : ' The * Negroes in our Colonies endure a Slavery more complete, and attended with far worfe circumftances than what any people in their condition fuffer in any other part of the world, or have fuffered in any other period of time : Proofs of this are not wanting. The prodigious wane which we experience in this unhappy part of our Species, is a full and melancholy Evidence of this Truth. The Ifland of textit{Barbadoes (the Negroes upon which do not amount to eighty thoufand) notwithftanding all the means which they ufe to encreafe them by Propagation, and that the Climate is in every refpedt (except that of being more wholfome) exactly re- fembling the Climate from whence they come; notwithftanding all this, textit{Barbadoes lies under a neceffity of an annual recruit of five thoufand flaves, to keep up the ftock at the number I have mentioned. This prodigious failure, which is at leaft in the.fame proportion in all our Iflands, ihews demon^ ftratively that fome uncommon and unfup- portable Hardihip lies upon the Negroes, which wears them down in fuch a furprifing manner; and this, I imagine, is principally the exceffive labour which they undergo,' In an Account of part of textit{North-America^ publiihed by textit{T and omps Jeffery, 1761, fpeaking of[ 7 / of the ufage the Negroes receive in the textit{Weft- India Iflands, he thus exprefles himfelf : * It * is impoffible for a human heart to reflect ' upon the fervitude of thefe dregs of man- ' kind, without in fome meafure feeling for ' their mifery, which ends but with their ' lives. Nothing can be more wretched ' than the condition of this People. One ' would imagine, they were framed to b...