a history of the ancient world

Book cover
1. We are to study the history of the Ancient World. To i study history is to trace out the growth of human beings < organized into a society with government, laws, literature and religion. History is like a tree, with roots, stem, sap, bark, branches and leaves, all joined together, all havinga common life, all growing as the tree grows. With the ancient world we begin at the roots of the tree of human history, of which the modern world is the trunk and its various peoples the branches.2. The value of studying ancient history comes from j the fact just mentioned. It is the root of that history of ] which we form a part. If the peoples of old had not * learned how to form states and establish laws for the con- 1 duct of social life, wc should not enjoy the order and prosperity of to-day. As a son inherits the property of his father, so we inherit the ideas and forms of government and society of our historic ancestors. We have made many improvements and additions to what theTable of Contents 3- Rome's Eastern Empire311; 4 Rome's World-Empire357; Preliminary Survey 357; (1) The World-Empire under the Principate 359; (2) The World-Empire under the Despotism 416; (3) The Breaking Up of the World-Empire and the End; of the Ancient Period 426; BIBLIOGRAPHIES FOR STUDENTS; 1 General Works 4; 2 The Eastern Empires 10; 3 Greece 75; 4 Rome-Earlier Period 249; 5 Rome-Principate 359; 6 Rome-Closing Period 427; APPENDICES; I Bibliography for Advanced Students and Teachers 449 II Notes on the Illustrations455; General Index465About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology.Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful atte
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