applied physiology including the effects of alcohol and narcotics

Book cover
1. The ameba. - In moist earth there lives a little animal called the ameba. It is so small that you cannot see it without a magnifying glass many times as strong as the best spectacles. When you do see it you will not know that it is an animal, for it has neither eyes, nor head, nor arms, nor legs. It is simply like a lump of jelly. But if you look a minute, you will see it put forth some part of its body like a finger to take a little lump of food. This finger is also a mouth and swallows the food. Then theAn ameba, sketched at intervals of ten seconds (x 400).finger becomes a stomach and changes the food to blood so that the animal can grow. When it wants to go for a walk, Ht puts forth a finger, and then the whole body rolls itself into the finger, and thus it moves forward. So the little ameba can make an arm, or a mouth, or a stomach, or a leg, wherever and whenever it wants to.Table of Contents I Cells 7; II Digestion 15; III Foods 26; IV Intemperance and Poisons 35; V Tobacco 44; VI Alcohol 49; VII The Blood and its Circulation 60; VIII Bleeding, Wounds, and Disease Germs 72; IX Respiration 80; X Ventilation, Heat, and Clothing 92; XI The Skin and Kidneys 104; XII The Nerves and Spinal Cord 114; XIII The Brain 122; XIV Narcotics and the Nervous System 132 XV The Senses 143; XVI Bones 155; XVII Muscles 165; Glossary 175; Index 183; 5About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology.Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the difficult to read text.
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