incidents on land and water or four years on the pacific coast

Book cover
INCIDENTS ON LAND AND WATER, BEING A NARRATIVE Of THE BURNING OF THE SHIPS NONANTUM, HUXAYOON BND FANCIION, TOGETHER WITII MANY STARTL NG AND INTERESTING ADVENTURES ON SEA AND LAND - 1857 - INTRODUCTION, KIND READER This simple unembellished history of portions of my lifes e9perience requires no preface. Its deficiencies, I trust, will save it from unjust criticisms if justly deserved, may they be in all lenity bestowed, .-modified by sympathy, and kindness for the humble historian. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. . Page. My Childhoods Home, . . . . . . . . 11 CHAPTER 11. The Departure, . . . . . . . . . 12 CHAPTER 111. FireonboardShipNonantumatSea, . 17 CHAPTER IV. The Falkland Islands, . . . . . . . 2 3 , CHAPTER V. A South Sea Rookery, . , . . . . . 39 CHAPTER VI. Departure from the Falklands, and second fire off Cape Horn, . 45 CHAPTER VII-. U Third fire at sea. Burning of the Ship Fanchon on the Coast of Peru, . i . . . . 57 CHAPTER VIII. heb be sol ate Beach, . . . . . . . . 68. CHAPTER IX. Arrival and Residence at Payta, . . . . . . 73 CHAPTER X. - Arrival at Panama and visit Taboga, . . . 82 CHAPTER XI. Arrival at San Francisco. Extensive ConbPpion. Its Consequences, etc., etc., . . . . . . 96 CHAPTER XII. Leave an Francisco for s v i l l e . , . . . . . 111 CHAPTER XIII. Situation and Climate of Marysville. Peep at the Country, In habi tants, etc. . . . . . . l25 CHAPTER XIV. Hotel Keeping and Lie in a Canvas Shanty, . . . 137 CHAPTER XV. Description of an Indian Itancheria and its Occupants, . . 149 - CHAPTER XVI. A ConflaDmtion. Hotel Keiping resumed. Marysville Inun datd, . . . . . . . . . 156 CONTENTS. . CHAPTER XVII. . A Journey up the Sacrament0 Valley. Descriptions of things seen and heard, . . . . . . . . . 163 CHAPTER XVIII. Trip to French Corral. Mountain Scenery. Mountain Ball, etc. 169 CHAPTER XIX. Journey to Parks Bar. Experience in Mining. Fatal results of Gambling, . . . . . . . . . l 9 2 CHAPTER XX. Visit to Gen. Sutters residence. Description of the grounds. The Pleasant Surprise, or the Rldsical Mi ier. Good Fortune of a Lady in California. Emigrant Wagons. Belles of the Plain. Interesting and Ludicrous Incident. The English Gold Diggers. Loss of Life, . . 205 CHAPTER XXI. The Orphan Child. Delights of Stage-Coaching in California. The Hen that laid the Golden Eggs, . . . 222 CHAPTER XXII. Execution of a man in 1SiIarysville. The petty theft the results of bad Influence. Accident at the Mines. Obstinate as a Mule. Mysterious Disappearance of Dunbar. Cold Blooded Murder. Disinterested Benevolence, . . 234 CHAPTER XXIII. Hardships of the Mountain Settlers during the winter of 1852. A Brothers Experience, . . . 254 CHAPTER SXIV. Peculiarities of John Chinaman. Contla, ption in Maryaville, . 263 CHAPTER XSV. Farewell to 3Iarysville. Departure. Arrival at San Francisco. Leave San Francisco for Home, . . . . . . . 271 , CHAPTER XXVI. Incidents of the passage. Burial at Sea, . . . . . 275 , CIIAPTER XXVII. f i v a a l t Panama. Description of Hotels. Walks about the city. The Battlement, . . . . . . . 2 8 3 CHAPTER XXVIII. Crossing the Isthmus. Grave by the road-side. The beautiful Valley of Obispo. Take the cars for Aspinwall, . . . 231 CHAPTER XXIX. Embark for Home, on board the North Star...
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