job trotter seeks health finds negroes earthly paradise is africa

Book cover
CHAPTER I. JOB TROTTE w R a s a handsome young man, who with his widowed mother lived with her brother, a successful merchant in an eastern city. Mr. Post offered his sister a home in his family when her husband died, and his wife and only son did all in their power to make their home a pleasant one to these greatly bereaved relatives. The cousins were about the same age. Both chose mercantile life, and a course in a commercial college after which Mr. Post took them into his employ. Mrs. Trotter mourned for her husband until her health was undermined, and she wilted like a crushed flower. After five years she, too, was laid in the grave. Job was prostrated with grief. His love for his mother was intense. She was his earthly idol, and he wondered that he could live without her. Time and closeapplication to business helped him to recover from the first shock, but his continued 2 Job Trotter. sadness and dislike of company changed him so that his uncle offered to start the cousins in a branch store in a neighboring village, that the entirechange of scene might restore Jobs interest in life, and give both young men a new chance for advancement in business. Louis Post with his cousin had been active in their church life, and were favorites among the young people. Now Louis had to join in the entertainments alone. Such a change in Job inclined Louis to accept his fathers offer vith enthusiasm, and a pleasant village, one of the prettiest in New England, was decided on for the new store. Job invested a part of the fortune his father left him in it, and the prospect seemed very bright. Their young friends all regretted their going, and Louis became engaged to one with horn he was desparately in love. Job Trotter. I CHAPTER 11. THEY took rooms in the best hotel in the place. A new building was rented for their store. It was well stocked with goods. Plenty of advertising brought them customers, and life began again to bok attractive to Job. He enjoyed the close attention given to his work. Louis not only liked the business but was rejoiced to have Job more like his old-time self, for the cousins were as fond of each other as David and Jonathan of olden time. They took an interest in their church, and were again loyal to Christ and the Church. They met pleasant people, old and young. Their business grew steadily and more clerks were employed. They decided more time must be given to recreation. Louis insisted upoil it, so they joined in the athletic games of the village and became popular with all they had to do with. The village people soon discovered that two fine young men had come among them to reside. Louis made frieilds easily. A. Job Trotter. IIis good nature and n ailliness won all their hearts. Jol, was Inore quiet, but his hatldsome face, fine fort11 and unusual height of six feet impressed a11 who saw him as an attractive man, and a perfect gentle nan in manners. J. ob Trdtter. CHAPTER 111. WHEN summer came and the school vacations took place many new young ladies patronized the store. College girls were in evidence. Louis sent to his father for more fancy notions, and had a display in the windows of pretty ribbons, silver ornaments, and trinkets and a variety of attractive articles to catch the fancy of the girls, so their store became more popular than ever. Pretty girls and plain girls, old ones and young ones all came. Louis showed some attention to all. Job said he liked the plain and old ones the best. They bought what they wanted with less talk and fuss...
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