potts discovery of witches in the county of lancaster

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Purchase of this book includes free trial access to www.million-books.com where you can read more than a million books for free. This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book: Pon the Arraignement and triall of thefe Witches at the laft Afsizes and Generall Gaole - deliuerie , holden at Lancafter, wee found fuch apparent matters againft them, that we thought it neceffarie to publifh them to the World, and thereupon impofed the labour of this Worke vpon this Gentleman, by reafon of his place, being a Clerke at that time in Court, imploi- ed in the Arraignement and triall of them. Ja. Altham. Edw. Bromley. chapter{Section 4 'Fter he had taken great paines to finijh it, y tooke vpon mee to reuife and correEl it, that nothing might pajfe but matter of FaSl, ap- parant againft them by record. Jt is very little he hath inferted, and that necejja- rie, to jhew what their offences were, what people, and of what condition they were: The whole proceedings and Euidence a- gainft them, J Jinde vpon examination carefully fet forth, and truely reported, and iudge the worke Jit and worthie to be publijhed. Edward Bromley. chapter{Section 5Gentle Reader, although the care of this Gentleman the Author, was great to examine and publifh this his worke perfect according to the Honorable teftimonie of the ludges, yet fome faults are committed by me in the Printing, and yet not many, being a worke done in fuch great hafte, at the end of a Tearme, which I pray you, with your fauour to oxcufe. chapter{Section 6A particular Declaration of the moft barberous and damnable Practifes, Mur- thers, wicked and diuelifh Confpiracies, practized and executed by the mqft dangerous and malitious Witch Elizabeth Sowthernes alias Demdike, of the Forreft of Pendle in the Countie of Lancajler Widdow, who died in the Caftle at Lancajler before fhe came to receiue her tryall. Hough publique luftice hath paflbd at thefe Afsifes vpon the Capitall...
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