qualitative chemical analysis organic and inorganic

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PREFACE FIRST EDITION PROBABL a Y ll teachers of chemistry are familiar with two classes of student I book sfiidetlts, i. e. students who have obtained their knowledge of chemistry entirely by reading or by hearing lectures 2 laboratory stz de zttsh, ose who, by use of a merely outline book or chart, and by attention to details of experiment, have obtained the whole of thei knowledge in the laboratory. The first class of student, if brought into the laboratory, is unable to carry out a single experiment without bungling. The second, although he may be able to carry out experiments with machinelike precision, from a sheet of instructions, is quite at sea when questioned upon the underlying theoretical principles. One of the great difficulties in teaching chemistry is to get students to apply their theoretical knowledge to aid them in their practical work, and, on the other hand, to bring their practical knowledge to bear in the elucidation of theoretical problems. The theoretical knowledge is generally kept rigidly apart from the facts practically gained, so that the student loses all the mutual help which the two branches of study afford each other. Recognising this difficulty, I have endeavoured to write a book in which theory and practice are more or less dovetailed. Perhaps the theoretical considerations are not quite so fully dealt with as some would desire but it must be remembered that the boo is a practical one, and is only intended to contain vi Preface to First Editiolz. sufficient theory to make practical chemical analysis clear, and, I trust, interesting. If, as I hope, the appetite of the student is whetted, and he asks for more, then he can obtain it from theoretical text-books. In writing the theoretical portions of this book, I have been much aided by the works of Professor Ostwald. In the practical part I have consulted the latest literature, and among other works Freseniuss Qualitative Analysis ancl Allans Commercial Organic Analysis. No reaction has been included which has not been worked out by myself and assistants in the laboratory. In conclusion, my best thanks are due to Dr. W. Semple, M. A., B. Sc., and Dr. J. E. Mackenzie, B. Sc., for . their kind help in revising the sheets before they went to press, and for many valuable suggestions. My thanks are also due to Messrs. E. E. Cornick and A. R. Warnes for much help in testing many of the reactions. I also desire to thank Messrs. Longmans for kindly allowing me a number of proof copies for the use of my students during the time the book was passing through the press. F. AI. P. PREFACE TO TI IIRD EDITIOY On-rsc to the request by several of the revie ersw hen the second edition was published, a short section dealing with some of the rarer elements has been added. One would like to have made this section larger, but the scope of the book does not permit of it. I trust, however, that what has been included will be found useful. l new chapter on Ethereal Salts has been added to the Organic Section, mainly because of enlargement in the Board of Education Syllabus, but also because it makes the book more complete. A few other additions and alterations have also been made. F. A l . P. CHAPTER P. t 1 1 . DRY R EACTIOSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 I1 . REACTIOK I S N SOLUTIOX . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 111 . UIVISIOS O F THE IETAI. is S . 10 G I OLI S . . . . . . 25 IY . TIIE COPPER GKOL-P . . . . . ... --This text refers to the Paperback edition.
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