the aeroplane a concise scientific sudy

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THE AEROPLANE. LONIION CHARLES GJi1FkIN B COMPANY, LTMITE1 I3XETKR STREET, STXBNU. 1915. All Itighls Reserl-crl. THE l.EN.OYLAF, . . RAS - - ERFN CO,, LTD., PUBLISHERS. SECOND EDITJOY, Revised. 111 Large 8vo. Cloth. 11. i-x 131. Many Illustrations. 10s. 6d. net. THE PROBLEM OF FLIGHT. A TEXT-BOOK OF AERIAL ENGINEERING. BY HERBRIiT CJIATlrET, H.Sc. ENG. LoND., Professor oi Civil Engineering, Tong Shall Engineeriilg College, N. Chinu. ConrlcsTs -he Problen of Blight-The HeIix-Tile Aeroplaue-The Alrplsrre-Dirigible Balloolla-Form and Fittihgs of the Airsliy-Alyeildices-InuuX. An epitome of the krou.ledpe available nn the eubject.-Scotlrman. - In Crown 8r.o. Cloth. Pp, i-viii 88. Illustrated wit11 Diagrams, 3s. net. THE FORCE OF THE WIND. l3u HKBHEHT CHATLEY, 13.S. LNG. LoKD., Could tot well be more tcrse or poiuted.Svmans Jleteoroiogkal ,Ilafpzine. -- . In Hanrlsome Cloth. Illustrated. Pocket Size. Pp. i-xi -tl79. 23. Bd. lee. A COMPENDIUM OF AVIATION AND AEROSTATION. Ballooncr, Dirigibles, and Flying Machines. Br LIEUT.-Col,. H. HOEKNES. Translated atid Supplemented wIth Facts uf Iriterest to English readers-i.e., detnils regarding British Diriyiblen, Aroylala, Flying Grouna, ebc.-with nu Introrluction and Eiographiaal Sketch 01 the Author by J. H. LPIIIBOER, Editor of Aronautic. CONTENTS -Introductinn - The Air-The Wind - Resistance of the Air-Spllerioal Elloon-Aerial 3fatats-PropellerbUiriglble Balloons-3tachine of the Frture-Theory of the Aeroplane--The heroplu11e-0rthicopter-Tlelicopter-Co1iclusion-Aero Clllba-- Ftgiig Grounds-Hangars. A very rendablc popular 11alidbook.-Xuture. In Haldsotlle Cloth. Plllly Illustratrl. AERO ENGINES. With a General Introductory Account to the Thaory of the Internal Combustion Engine. BY G. A. UURLS, l.lss.C.E., ETC. OasEnbr, COYTENTS -Weiht.. Cycles Power and Efllciellcy of llternnl Combustion Engirie-3ert Engines, Ireoessfty Pur Lghtness, etc., etc.-Horizurltal Ellgines-Buiial Engines-Diagorrt or l Tee Eli-ites - Vertical Enginea-Rotary Engines-Aero Engines of 114--Inrx. Keised FIFTH ITIOX, a118l Eularged. 11 i-xxiii ii39. Ivith 243 I1Iutlatiolls. mrge 8vo. Hanrlsom Cloth. 25s. not. A TEXT-BOOK ON GAS, OIL, AIR ENGINES. BY HHYAN UOXKlS, M.lrsr.C.E., .IXST..KCH.. Revised thrunghout by L. GRAVES SMITH. With importnllt New Matter by Ymf, l3uKSTdbl.. A very much up-to-date classic.-1ailv Tedqrnph. . . --p - In Derny 8r.o. - IIardxolne Clatl. Pp. i-xi 17B. 6s. Itet. With 130 Illustrations. CARBURETTORS, VAPORISERS, VALVES, USED IN INTERNAL COMBUSllON ENGINES. 1 3 IIITARI KUTI,EK, al. l,Blec. 1.. Mr Butler sriieswitli an intimata practicul kliowlcdge of his slbject, and the book ia one we haro every plmure ill realmm8nding-Xechai1 h.ngielr. p -- -- --p LOSDON CHAKLES GIlIFPiN k CO., LTV., IxEEL STREET, STHAND. PREFACE. THIS book has been written to meet the requirements of engineers who are desirous of an introduction to the study of aerorlautics. The fundamental principles of mechanics are unalterable, although tho many interpretations and practical appicationu of such laws are the fruit of scientific labour. The new science of aeronautics, which has necessitated a fuller understanding of the dynamics of the air, must now be regarded as a branch of engineerfng, althougl each step forward into the realm of aeronautical research seems but to reveal an everincreasing unexplored region. The mariy unsound theories often advanced by wel1-intentioned people, who have had little opportty to traverse the paths of aeronautical research, rather tend to confuse a new reader. The reports of the several aeronautical laboratories have been drawn upon in the preparation of this book, and, as far as possible, no controversial matter has been discussed...
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