Purchase of this book includes free trial access to www.million-books.com where you can read more than a million books for free. This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book: Ill SUGGESTIONS ABOUT HOW TO PRAY METHINKS I was as if I had seen Him . . . walk through the world from the cradle to the Cross, to which also when He came I saw how gently He gave Himself to be hanged and nailed upon it for my sins and wicked doings ... 0, friends, cry to God to reveal Jesus Christ to you. . . . There is none teacheth like Him. "Grace Abounding" by John Bunyan, 1628- 1688. r I ''HERE are two things which make our Lord's -" example in the life of prayer of special significance. In the first place, if ever anyone could have dispensed with prayer, it was He. In the second place, His experience tried out the whole reality of prayer. Whatever He found in it, we may be sure is there.Robert E. Speer. GOD requires no great matters of us: a little remembrance of Him from time to time; a little adoration; sometimes to pray for His grace, sometimes to offer Him your sufferings, andsometimes to return Him thanks for the favors He has given you, and still gives you, in the midst of your troubles, and to console yourself with Him the oftenest you can. Lift up your heart to Him, sometimes even at your meals, and when you are in company: the least little remembrance will always be acceptable to Him. You need not cry very loud; He is nearer to us than we are aware of. It is not necessary for being with God to be always at church: we may make an oratory of our heart wherein to retire from time to time to converse with Him in meekness, humility, and love. Every one is capable of such familiar conversation with God, some more, some less: He knows what we can do. Let us begin, then. Perhaps He expects but one generous resolution on our part. Have courage. We have but little time to live. . . . Let us live and die with God. Sufferings will be sweet and pleasant to us ...